it's not an exploit but it's a glitch

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Domo, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Dear kaw_admin,

    To elaborate on spookyrobbie forum thread, saying it was an exploit in the ee system may have been misrepresented. Match ups are done by calculations not by names. What I think the point that spooky was trying to get across was that two clans that get matched up decide not to war in the ee system then they should not get rewarded with mith.
    The ee history shows that with 0 actions was rewarded. Seems that the winning zaft clan (with one action )mems were rewarded mith. This shouldn't have been allowed to happen. They couldn't have exploited the match up, but they did exploit the outcome of that ee war. I have said it before 0 actions should never be rewarded with mith. I would say that's a glitch that you should investigate.
    I'm really not sure why you would ask the zaft clans in question if they had any complaints. What would you think they would say?? "Yeah that sucked plz take away my rewarded mith"??
    I ask that you look into improving the ee system. I ask that if you do 0 actions then you get nothing in reward. This way clans involved will have to participate no matter the match up in order to get their rewards.

    Thank you for your time.
  2. Yup, they had 1 actions vs. the other clans 0. Therefore they won the war. Go team! 
  3. Phartscus: it was definitely an exploit though. Might as well run mith wars.
  4. Let this go!

    Obviously they got matched by chance, they decided not to war each other, still they decided to allow a winner.

    Kaw chosed the matchup, contestants decided the outcome.
    Let it go, theres no exploit, no complaints in those rosters. Let it go
  5. Good point
  6. Good point it must be a glitch
  7. What he's saying is that members that hit 0 times were rewarded mith. I agree with you guys, we should stop.complaining about it, but the fact that mith payout would be given to.people who didn't hit it is a little messed up. I'm fine with dropping the match up, but a sight into the mith payout should be checked, as what op says, seems like inactives in this 1-hit war got compensation.
  8. Maybe he hit but all fail.
  9. They got back the Mith they casted. Don't you guys have more to worry losing an osw??
  10. You may need to stop listening to your leaders....they are misleading you.
  11. Well, a win is a win. They probably didn't want to fight eachother, it happens.
  12. Do you know that message you get on your newsfeed before war starts something like this

    'a war will start in ???, any MITH you CAST between now and the start of the war will be ADDED to your potential war winnings'

    I could cast a total of 55 mith worth of spells giving that I haven't unlock the 25 hl ones.

    if the clan that I'm warring with wins the ee and I had zero actions I will not get a reward for the war besides the ee lvl and the total MITH I casted before the war started ( so all the Zaft members with 28, 14, 17 etc mith earn are part of their potential war winnings.

  13. Wat 2 clans?
  14. @ram. That's the point. 0 actions and you get rewards. You lose you get nothing. So 0 actions rewards is better then fighting at all.
  15. they didnt get a reward god dam you, they got back what they spent, nothing extra!

    just ket this god dam topic die! there are so many other clans out there doing actual exploits, if you cared so much bout people exploiting the game for after them.

    other wise shut up!
  16. Link to original thread?
    Which 2 zaft clans?
  17.  this is what happens when you listen to that idiot Robbie.

    They won a war,

    they spent mith,

    the rules say you get the mith you spent back,

    you're suggesting they shouldn't get it back,

    That's a EE rule change for all, so is everyone else ok with that rule change in that you don't get the mith you spent back?

    If anyone should complain here it's the losing team, not a clan who is in osw against them lol.

    HoG have a good reputation in kaw. The bears run it well and it has a lot of respect, despite that idiot Robbie doing his best to undermine. Now this post that is continuing the stupidity.

    I suggest you stop, think about how you're destroying the reputation of your clan, getting nowhere with your weak arguments and move on.

    Snr 
  18.  nuff Said!
    merry Christmas snr
  19. Zaft corporation vs new world pirates