
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. GAHH! meant to put in ogd
  2. Yes! Now the two biggest assfucks will be together! What a nice couple.
  3. Brett is mad cause he divorces as much as he quits
  4. Beatle is back ...does Swabia know about this?
  5. Swabia did NOT make me quit omg... I'm not ******* afraid of that noob.
  6. Cool story bro
  7. @Beatle, he made you reset
  9. He made me reset? Get your facts straight, moron! I LC in a month and reset before Swabia even walled me...
  10. Extreme, "online dating" is not allowed nor will be tolerated.
  11. Blade,

    You ran away because your dad told you to 'suck it up' when you hurt ur finger. *****.
  12. Then whyve you stayed at the default stats?
  13. Liquid, annoying me is not allowed nor tolerated.
  14. Sure thing girl
  15. So I can speak my mind, you assfuck.