Items Inequality

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RW__, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. I put this idea in another thread, wanted to see what everyone thought.

    There recently has been complaints of items being overpowered for PvP. It doesn't seem fair to me that players who choose to war instead of hit EBs are punished because there is no way to get items through war. So what if the items you get in EBs can only be used in EBs? It doesn't make sense that EB warriors can kick the ass of seasoned veterans (strength, not strategy-wise). Let's leave items out of PvP, that way players that war aren't punished for wanting to war instead of EB.

    EB warriors: obviously you are against this. How else are you going to prevent getting wrecked? No need to post your opinion here, we know what it is.
  2. We all have to adapt, get over it.
  3. A better solution is to create items that drop from the battle list that are stronger than the eb items
  4. Support, its annoying that people with less than half ur stats can constantly stop u from winning cos of things like greeves 
  5. I agree, however...
    I chose to EB for a while to get my equipment. But I would love to see PvP equipment drops for example
  6. Same here Enforcer
    It still wouldn't hurt to have them, it just wouldn't help anyone in PvP
  7. Do both? Eb's
  8. And wars. Play all aspects of the game
  9. Wolf, you also experience a damn hard time enchanting? I keep failing at the last levels on bow,graves and braces  cost me about 2,5T already 

    But I have to admit, equip is a big advantage in war/OSW.
  10. I agree to an extent my friend. I think that the all star war items are broken as **** (especially for the LR winners) and other items that can't be achieved by anyone. Anything that is only available to certain people will always be broken. Correct me if I'm wrong but (as far as I know) Swabia didn't even qualify for the ASW. Anyone here care to tell me that he isn't an all-star compared to the eb noobs who didn't know a god damn thing about the game that sat inactive for the entire war? I can think of tons of people who are WAY better fighters than 95% of the ASW players *cough all of LSA cough* but didn't, and will never get a chance to get equipment like that.

    Again, devs "trying" to bring war back, but in the long run, everything is just punishing the real warriors.

    I don't feel that taking items out of PvP is the solution, however a balance needs to be made, or as you said (and has been said 100 times before) that items need to be added for PvP drops. I have always in the past, and always will in the future support this idea.

    Ps - Great job gaining a lot of war experience recently Wolf, we're all very proud of you :D

  11. I hate not being able to win a steal from a 2 month old player who has 100k spy stats and is only safe because he has more equips 
  12. But you forget one thing: the eb warriors greatest weapon: Tears ! that's right, they cry and moan and roll over and groan..... how many of these peeps are full potted ?
    But I feel your pain though ! no items for OSW... there should be.... gives incentive to fight more !
  13. I used to be fully potted :(
  14. omega, as I see you was never in asw, coz you don't know that in all-star war was no-equips drops; equips drops from summer wars; and yes I support equips drop from these special wars - coz make it equips epics hunters much more harder ..... they will never have these equips, coz are totally unloyal to clans
  15. btw I was in HGL in last three summer wars and I could only day that LR members deserve these special equips for good work, ppl who weren't in summer wars quarter/semi finals or final don't know how hard was fight ..... I was 24 hours without sleep - so these too clans should be highly respected
  16. First off, you're right. I apologize, I made a mistake. The summer wars gave items that we didn't qualify for. It may sound like butt-hurt whining but you have to realise that for all smaller players, up and rising players, new players, and people that find themselves in war more often than not, this was never an option for them.

    I am definatly not saying Last Rights didn't deserve the win, as they did. I'm saying there were too many inactive noobs, leaks, etc (whatever you want to call them) as opposed to actual fighters and people who strive and learn the ways of combat in this so-called war game.

    And yes I wasn't in ASW, not only did I not qualify, I had prior.. engagements.. I however do NOT support special drops. Anything that unbalances the game at factors that I deem uncontrollable:
    Example: I've been playing for 648 days (on this account, longer on others) but because I've been fighting for the majority of this time, I wasn't large enough to compete. I believe that if they're going to give special drops, they should be better than the normal drops, but not like these... These are so overpowered it's laughable:
    Example: If normal sword gives 10m atk bonus (I made this item up, don't get your panties all in a knot), then special drop should be a slightly larger bonus, say 12m atk bonus. Therefore it IS stronger, but not STUPID strong like they are right now. Some of the items are giving out over 80 million combined stats. Do the math those are rediculas bonus's, even with the Tier 5 buildings out.

    Sorry again for the confusion, got my **** mixed up.

  17. Eb noobs today are tomorrow's warriors. **** happens.