items arrangement

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DaPrecursor, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. So, I just got done using one of my new nifty claydor horns on an fod item phase. In the frantic moment of, "OH SNAP IT'S ITEM PHASE!!" My finger unwittingly brushed over the icon that was the horn. Used it once and a slew of cuss words came out of my mouth. This isn't the first time I've accidentally hit a wrong item for whatever particular phase, but now it seems, there is a significant monetary risk for a brief moment of a phat thumb, especially if you go hard at it and spam said items. What I'm asking is that we be able to rearrange the items, much like you can arrange the icons on the home screen of a iPod/iPhone, so we can choose where we want our items to be. It kills me to see holy wrath, seal of deflection and other commonly used items circled around a 6$ item that could easily be phat thumbed and then used. I haven't yet paid for a seal, but I can't imagine if I did and this happening. At the very least put the items we pay for with real money at the bottom, and ANY that are used in an eb at the top. Is this to much to ask?
  2. Great idea. Support this
  3. what he said! 
  4. nice!!!
  5. Great idea! support this!