Item bonus guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Frozen-Solid, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. Note: this tells you real bonus not posted bonus

    Elixer of rage-300 attack
    Invisiblity potion-600 attack
    Scroll of Death-1,500 attack
    Scroll of Lightning- 3,600 attack
    Magical Dagger- 6,000 attack
    Mystical Sword-14,000
    Electric Spear-26,000
    Rain of Fire-54,000

    End of list

    By Drkfre(Darkfire)
  2. Bumped
  3. You should call it the ally bonus stats
  4. Ty didnt know that
  5. Np glad to help
  6. This still working
  7. 
    Ding dong
  8. look what I found