Issue in indi war

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by khushi9, Nov 20, 2014.

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  1. Hello admin..,

    U might be aware of the fact that the indi war happened just now got completly messed up and we were getting hits but we can't hit them back. This was not fair if we lose our miths for nothing. Kindly consider this and pay back our miths.

  2. So you were not able to hit them then how were they able to hit you. The bug/issue should have been the same for them. Oh well, you never know!

    Tjanks, Mejanks and WeAlljanks!
  3. pls whatever we dunt know lose or win. wasting our miths
  4. Sorry I couldn't tell from the other 4 threads on the same issue
  5. This has been resolved locking thread.
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