Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Nov 19, 2015.

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  1. A thread to be a good person and post ISIS memes and gifs (I hate any form of extremism and this thread is testament to my sick sense of humour)

  2. How dose this thread make you a good person? You're just a complete idiot for making such thread.
  3. LOL! Pipebomb..ISIS next target. =)
  4. It doesn't. I have never claimed to be a 'good' person.
  6. Terrible thread.
  7. A typical idiot. Isis are not Muslims. Hopefully your not American, if you are than this is sad.
  8. I'm sorry but you are incredibly stupid. This thread was made for the sole purpose of making fun of Isis and their beliefs. Wise up or leave.
  9. If you think ISIS arent muslims you are delusional.
  10. A joke thread directed at isis is okay, but you cant make posts generalizing them with the whole of Islam.
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