Late news has shown Trump's support in the USA falling, while support for Ben Carson is rising. While I'm against Trump and I think he's a jerk, I think that of Republicans at least, he's the best of the worst. This is mainly in regards to Carson being a creationist, his view that the war on drugs must be increased, and his views that gun-control laws caused WWII. What do you think?
Dr. Ben Carson suspended his campaign for a book tour. That speaks volumes. It's a media game. PR advantage. Oh, and money. Cuz money is the real ruler in America.
Trump has some good ideas, might be good for democracy if he can chip away at the corruption that has been established over the last 30 years or so. I personally don't agree with much of his platform, but it is important for democracy to hear and understand where his supporters are coming from. So regardless of the outcome, I think we are better off.
I think Trump is smarter than other candidates in certain categories such as health care and economic reform (giving poor people a little more, blocking off loopholes for corporations). However I think he's kind of dumb when it comes to things such as foreign policy, which I don't think he understands very well (ie: "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it", "I will be friends with Putin", etc.) He's at least progressive there in some ways, and doesn't represent the churches or anti-secular laws as much as the other candidates do.
Why because he actually has the balls to speak up? Unnecessary war is one thing, but standing up for what is right is another. But i would rather have him than a quiet president who will get run over by all other countries.
Trump has balls and is not a coward leadership wise not many will try to rub him the wrong way... Points there but other then that I really question the guy he seems to also to believe his way is the only way and says some dumb crap... Also as a Business type though he has failed a good bit at it I doubt he will run with the idea of spend us out of debt idea that has been going on much to long maybe he will making the U.S. Not fail due to economics so quickly..