I have been getting 27 hits per troop unload in ebs. Is that normal? Or did something change? I thought the max number of hits is 26. My build is 1 CF lvl 2 1 CoE lvl 3 1 CoE lvl 2 2 subs lvl 3, 2 aviaries lvl 3 and 22 Lvl 4 guilds. Any thoughts? Thanks
Yeah panda same here I'm just wondering if this is a new change from eb update? Or if they did this without us noticing lol
It's the CoE level 2. It doesn't fully regen after 13 regenerations (65 minutes). It's off by 8 troops, so it technically needs 14 regenerations (70 minutes).
So by the time you use up all of your other troops in 13 regenerations-worth, you still have 8 troops in that last pesky level 2 CoE
Its happened like that to me for a couple months... I lose like 50less troops a hit on an eb then on a normal person