Deffo shrinking. I try help new folk all the time but there's far to many 1-4m cs players that just give up because they feel the games heights are unreachable. Promos help a little to pull them in, but we seem to lose them to more advanced games. Nice to see an old friend/foe glad to see you still around joe
Likewise player, and well met. Here's an idea....the ally market is out of control and pandering to whales makes common players's an old theory, I know...but now the influx of new players is near zero. A new player has to get 6-8billion to get max plunder...for what? To be crushed into nothing? 8-10m cs players get hosed daily by folks with quadruple their stats. It's as if the devs just want the game to go away.
That's akin to throwing out the bath water when the baby no longer cares. It's grasping at straws 2 years after the 800k strong player base asked to be heard, especially the originals, and we were met with "meh". The question now, is how do we, as a community, come together and fix it? How do we build it better?
We should just buy ATA out then we can take the game in the directions players have wanted for years That's about the only hope.
The thing that makes this hard to answer is the number of alts and inactives that are around. It takes about a year for an inactive to be reset, meaning when a new person downloads the game and falls inactive, they're still here for a while (without actually being here). And with alts it grows the number of accounts but not actual number of people since it's still one person using multiple accounts. Ergo, in my opinion: the total numbers (including inactives and alts) show growth but the number of actives (excluding alts) has probably remained the same or declined.
The game is shrinking, every event has less actives, wc has become super slow etc etc. A lot of people are quitting because 1) theyre new players who realise they either have to waste money on this dumb game or be patient for years to grow some stats or 2) Old players are done with devs not listening to the community and only throwing hte promo's and events (Latest example being Troll machine). To be honest, devs messed this game up real hard. The cash they earn from people buying seals and xtals has blinded them from seeing the real problems in kaw that need to be fixed. Kaw_com only reacts with dumb jokes and nothing relevant to the problems that are addressed daily. There are no improvements to a game that is losing its customers.
Game is shrinking and it's crushing my heart. I cannot bear to see this game die but we need continued support and updated from the developers to attract new players and something to keep them hear. Also App Store picture and description needs to go, makes it look like this game is meant for only 10 yr olds
Many good opinions so far on this thread. I picked to quote this one to address some points. Lots of good players in 1-4m cs are having fun. This games main goal is not to be Aby land BC. There is much more to it than that. With such a variety of build types, I can say I have alts of different ranges and builds to play KAW with for fun. I did take advantage of the noobie package offered to start a new acct. Yes you say, I have played KAW for a long time and use my experience from it. Correct. Big idea is people like us helping new players learn the game. There is no good tutorial at the start offered to them. Yes, some good threads have been made. But a new player does not know how to navigate to find this. I would expect at the least a greetings PM to point them in the direction to find and read them. This is most of all a social based game. It's always hard being the new person in any aspect in life. ie: new school, job, activity, or even new town. It's all new. Say hi to a new person. Give a couple pointers and wish them well, or take a few steps more and mentor them. This is what makes a bond to keep players feeling accepted in KAW. They will gain confidence and learn to find their own path (hopefully). Promos are two sided. It does offer good equipment to new players who have none. But it also shows them that it's all about spending $ on seals to compete. Some events have low tier rewards. Good there.
I hate to admit it, but definitely shrinking. I think one of the problems with the games are the crappy images on the App Store. Many people who have interest in this game are turned away by that crap. Also, even if players download this game, the tutorial isn't descriptive enough to make them want to stick around. That tutorial was made for '10 KaW not '15 KaW It doesn't help the game that the ally market sucks really bad. I can't even hire a player for 2b and expect to keep them for more than 5 minutes. A newbie can't do what my old account did and hire allies for 10K gold. That makes me sad. KaW. Please fix this.
Should give every single new account enough $ to hlbc, and buy a 1T ally. This skips the whole rough beginning part of the game.