Is Obama right?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *XxReignXx (01), Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Is obama right or wrong for using his Executive power to give illegal immigrant students the chance to obtain a work permit and not get deported?

    If you arent educated about this please try not to reply to it!

    I know many illegal immigrants who have studied to be nurses and electricians and engineers ready to work , and ive seen a regular american kid blow school off and hit the drugs , is it fair even though the one trying to be successful is one without documentation trying to move America forward? or the lazy american kid who will most likely cause more harm than good to the society?
  2. Yes, I think it's fair. I really don't think it's right to prevent ANYONE from achieving the American Dream. The problem with illegal immigrants is they don't pay taxes and they steal jobs from many Americans who DO pay taxes. In this case, if you allow students documentation, then you wind up with more hard-working, tax-paying Americans.
    What's wrong with the economy is, we don't have enough educated workers anymore. If we put kids through school, we'll give them the skills they need to find a good paying job. Good paying job = more money for consumers to put back into the economy.
    If American teenagers are getting to lazy to get off their asses and become productive members of society, then why would we deny someone who IS willing to put in the hard work?
  3. YES , thank you! , but your wrong in one part! there are much much more workers getting paid with checks than there are workers getting paid with cash , the taxes are paid because when the illegal immigrant recieves his check there are taxes taken out already , the only difference is that they dont get it back
  4. 1) this is americaop and that means we are all immigrants period!

    2) if they are working then that will in return boost our economy.

    3)why would we ever say NO to someone wanting to share our country when in fact thats what we are all about in the first place (freedom)

    only problem i could see is if illegal immigrants turned out to be some form of terror group then it would be bad but still no way to know that and we must stcik with the fact that its america
  5. Im glad people see my point , i sure wish republicans did ):
  6. I agree with you. Some people don't have the resources in their own country to come here illegally. If they are willing to be law-abiding citizens then I don't see why we would not let them live here.
  7. It's not so simple as right and wrong. The simple fact is you encourage illegal immigration when you announce that peoples kids can stayif you just break the law long enough. This in turn strains the social saftey net to cope with the flux of illegal immigration...especially in border states. Of course this fact sucks for the kids who have grown up here through thier parents illegality. Still the question remains 10 years when all the new kids have grown why shouldn't uou do the same for them.
    I'd say its better to fix our immoral system and have more legal venues for work visas.
  8. Well yea but theres never gonna be a permanent solution to anything! If it encourages illegal immigration BUT brings hard working smart people? how bad can that be??
  9. Don't talk about me like dat
  10. No, if you weren't born in this country and can't be bothered to do the paperwork required to become a legal resident you don't deserve any of the rights of American citizens. Why am I so cold hearted? Because they are not a legal resident of the US they pay no taxes but Obama's Health care still applies to them and where to you think the money to fund that comes from? The tax payers dollar. So let me present it like this: you give an illegal immigrant, they get injured, they don't pay medical you do.
  11. Yes but if the children were born in America why wouldn't we consider them citizens? They're native born Americans. And what about the 'illegal' immigrants that ARE paying taxes?
  12. They are considered American citizens if they are born in the US
  13. They're illegal. That should be enough. :|
  14. as i said earlier we all came to this country by migration so it makes no sense to even argue this!
    if you think people shouldnt be able to come to american and live in freedom and pursue happiness then shame on you!
  15. The problem is that most illegal people don't pay taxes and use the welfare system. They get paid and send their money back to their country which takes away from the American people.
  16. Some immigrants move to America in hope of opportunity. They work harder than many citizens resulting in them getting good jobs (ie. nursing, engineer).
    On the other hand, America should be concerned about and illegal immigrants working with a terrorism group. So It is a tough decision for US
  17. there are absolutely tons of Mexicans still in the southeast US getting paid cash for construction jobs...on another note when we have to cash a business check at a bank starting with trust and ending in mark(trustmark, for the slower ones reading) we have to show two forms of ID. On any Friday there's a huge line of Mexican construction worker cashing checks and they never have to show any iD at all.
  18. No one is talking about legalizing illegal immigrants!

    we are talking about hiring KIDS who were BROUGHT here as little kids , who most likely talk better english than most american teenagers due to the fact that they know they need to work harder than most to be someone , if u wanna punish the kids for being brought here with no fault of their own we should punish americans too for being brought here by their ancestors

    get informed! we are talking about students with a highschool diploma not immigrants who work
  19. No. It isn't right. The rules apply to everyone, even these people. They aren't special. They are cheating the system by jumping ahead in front of others to get their opportunities. I get very angry when people butt I front if me in line at the grocery store, why would this be ANY different?

    The answer is to streamline the immigration process so that it's easier for people to enter the USA legally. The answer is NOT to reward KaW breakers 

    Let be fair here. Those people aren't here to "move America forward". They are in America because America offers better opportunities to better their lives. Actually, by utilizing the public schools, they are moving America backwards, because the tax payers subsidize every student that goes there.

    Look at America right now. Your country is in a recession. Jobless rates are around 9%. That's huge terrible. And Obama wants YOU to subsidize illegal people to go to school and then take jobs out of an already jobless economy?

    I can't be the only one who thinks is is stupid. Obama just wants their votes. He doesn't give a damn about the people. It's just a bribe.