Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MM--Monkey--of--Mayhem--MM, Jul 27, 2023.

  1. Competitions! What can I say about it? Well the 1 min survey the devs invited us to take part In did not allow me to vent my true feelings regarding this competition! Firstly for new guys this must be so disheartening not having the aqua inferno xtals or furniture or equipment to even stay competive! Devs what were you thinking? Second I play kaw to enjoy a few moments of mindless tapping I don't expect to gain a degree in do this and do that to gain almost nothing! The rewards are pitiful bronze bars!!!! My next land is 9q for God's sake! Further plate drops from eb have decreased while using aqau and inferno to ug charms has increased! 27 fails to ug one item of eq is plain silly! We already have to jump thru hoop to gain our daily chests and now competitions would see that increased to a point where kaw is a chore! Devs engage with the kawmunity and ask us the players what WE want! Fix wars, fix fight mechanism, fix the glitches please
  2. I'm over these stupid side side..side? Legends. PvP is mostly ppl hitting inactives instead of the opt in approach it should be. Eb one takes hits away from actual ebs so all clans run slower.

    And all for pretty pointless rewards. I don't understand why they did it. Sure...ppl buying prems and dumping xstals...but surely there's better ways to generate money than this that is alienating more and more ppl.

    I'm fed up with it.

    They should be trying to encourage the culture of the game which would keep it relevant. Instead they're just sucking even more life out of it.

    What I liked about kaw, once, was how easy it was to play. You didn't have to keep track of multiple things...which other games also do and I find that trying to jump into. Omolex games just has me give up quickly.

    Simple. Ebs, wars, clan culture. That's all it should be. There should be a global marketplace for selling or buying equipment instead of the stupid amounts of alts that still exist to funnel charms and furn and rewards to mains.

    I haven't been much for keeping up with clans lately but it seems theyre empying out. Perhaps this is from the great two factor ID? But regardless shows how many less actual people/accts are playing.

    Most old school players play for the friendships. But when those ppl are spending more time jumping around or doing side legends rather than chatting ..the draw to pop on becomes less.

    And Devs asking for feedback after removing ASW is hilarious. Why anyone bothered giving feedback is beyond me. Devs listening to what the game bSe wants? Lol🤦
  3. Agree that they have completely lost it with the insane level of fetch quests for rewards that barely help the 1st week noobs.

    Whole game is consistently slowing down as cliche as that sounds now, but hey we can still watch as the devs ignore suggestions from the players, and then chuckle when they ask for more suggestions!

    Can’t be good for long-term business…