Is it oki? Asking if it's okay... Part 23 Episode 6.5

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, May 4, 2016.

  1. Is it oki? Asking if it's okay... Part 23 Episode 6.5 Round 24 Zone 99

    Tl;dr is available
    This is not connected to the original is it okay... By the vk known as moody. But if it was. It'd be the degenerate, deformed cousin with serious underlying mental issues.

    Welcome back to our latest segment, after reviewing footage from our previous okays "Is it okay? True Korea" and "Is it okay? Trumps Toupee".

    We've decided that we aren't looking inward and observing the age old question...

    Is it okay? to ask whether it's okay.

    Well I'm here to take this question and poop all over it... WITH KNOWLEDGE, a few corn kernels of intelligence and a smearing of smartz.

    With recent popularised events such as "Are you okay day" and annoying people who ask you if you are okay when you are most certainly not. We've come to an interesting time but before we continue we must discover the word "okay".

    Skip next part, history crap

    The word "Okay", originally "OK" functioned as an adjective. Which meant "adequate" or "acceptable" however could be used as an interjecture,"Okay I'll do it". Potentially originating from the 1800's with Martain Van Buren and the O.K club... O.K because where he was born was Old Kinderhook, New York.

    As mentioned previously, Are you okay day has made it commonplace to ask whether it's okay and not so previously mentioned soap operas which take this question into a new level of annoying. THAT CHICK AINT OKAY, HER BROTHER JUST DIED MAYNNNNN.
    Point is if they don't look okay, they aint okay. Don't ask stupid questions.

    So... Is it okay, to ask if it's okay?
    probs not
  2. Re: Is it oki? Asking if it's okay... Part 23 Episode 6.5 Round

  3. Re: Is it oki? Asking if it's okay... Part 23 Episode 6.5 Round

    *Gives a standing ovation*
    That was great thanks :p
  4. Just one question...are you okay, Kasama? :grin:
  5. A critique of Is it oki?

    An interesting argument. Whilst I see the benefits of asking if something was oki maybe sometimes it is worth just leaving something well alone.

    As for your op, far too many spelling and grammatical errors. All OPs in this kind of discussion should be unbiased as this allows free-flowing discussion and not allow personal opinions to dominate.

    No leading questions or comments, it's detrimental to promoting discussion.

    Although you have the ratio of historical context and definitions from google down to a T.

    Overall, this thread is a 5/7 :cool:
  6. I rate it 8/8 for gr8 b8
  7. I think I got a bit stupider reading this.