As suggested by Assassin Is It Ok is making its return to forums with this little doozy. Is it ok to have a romantic relationship on Kingdoms At War? Now now we have all fallen into the trap of making friends on this little piece of the Internet. if you don't know who these people are then you are waaaay too young for me But sometimes it's possible for those friendly feelings to go that one stage further. You feel a connection. You spend more time online. You look forward to seeing the message pop up. You have been spotted by a wandering villager Joking aside, it's something that does happen and sometimes it works out I'm sure. And other times the person is a 63 stone, ketchup-stained bloke in his pants And if that makes you happy then go you! At the end of the day Internet safety is something we have discussed here before as well as privacy etc But is it ok to Internet date on Kingdoms At War? Forums decide. Moody ️ *Edit* 05/05/16 We lost this thread to the graveyard for content that wasn't in keeping with the 9plus theme of this game. Just a reminder to keep it all comments above board and continue to keep debate alive without any overly personal remarks please!
I think its very cute, just keep fights out of the game as nobody has something to do with that. Ofcourse don't get all cuddly in cc/wc or anything cause maybe ppl get offended but hey, personally I have no issues whatsoever with that. I heard theres even ppl who met on here and got married, how awesome is that!
I wouldn't say devs encourage or endorse online relationships, but I was reading one of there websites and they made claims that all kinds of relationships (even marriage) have come out of their games. KaWHarmony? Kappa
I know of 2 couples who met here and ended up married or reproducing together. I've also seen it cause a lot of clan drama. Is it ok? Well, if I were advising my own kids, I'd say no, but it seems to work for some people, so I'm torn.
Fair points all round so far. Cheese - yours interests me, we as humans generally believe we know what's best for us. A hypocrisy when it comes to our loved ones such as children. In more general terms; If it would make you uncomfortable if your daughter was flirting or talking with a stranger on the internet then is it ok for you? A rule for you, another for others?
I don't see a problem with it tbh, my wife and I met online (though not on KAW) and I've had various girlfriends who I've met in games. There is the same risk as always, you just don't know who you're talking to
Personally I think that if people under 18 are trying to get into internet relationships then it's just wrong. They are basically kids and they are putting themselves into a lot of danger potentially and depending on how old both people are they could potentially be breaking laws. If they are over 18 then sure why not as long as they don't force others to be happy about them dating a stranger from a game.
As per my daughter, no I don't think it would (she's only 6 so I've not had to deal with that lol) but even young adults are still people, flirting is completely natural, surpressing t will only lead to her rebelling in some way.
Well I guess you can ask drgn about this and how he ruined resets for us and how his account was unfairly restored
It is a rule for me. I wouldn't date anyone on KaW. Others have had luck with it, but that doesn't change my personal view about it. I'm not sure if I would prohibit my fictional kids from doing things I do now or have done in the past. I have a thing about hypocrisy. I try not to do it.
Out of curiosity, would you forbid them from getting drunk on a night out? Going on a date with someone they barely knew?
Nope. That would be hypocrisy on my part. I've had plenty of one night stands and drunken nights out. My parents were insanely protective and controlling, which has made me a more rebellious person still to this day. I've never gotten over my urge to say "screw you" to authority, so if I ever have kids, I'll probably try to be a lot more "hands off" than my parents were.
Personally I would say no however in the eyes of the law (depending on country/state) the 17 year old could be classed as a minor and there could be legal issues. If someone wants to date someone else I am not going to stop them.
Could go well, like RedStar and Cells. But could also be bad, like Eric_Northman and Meisha. I think it depends on the person.
It's a bit strange to date having never met someone I personally would not do it, however is it inherently wrong no, to each his own. Now, that said I've made a few friends over games like this who I have contact with in real life through texting, snapchat, etc... I would consider them friends, and I firmly believe you can build a friendship through a game.