Is challenging whatchtower lvl 3 for lookout ledge?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Tittle says it,
    Ps. This never got answered in WC, i couldn't possibly add detail to such a simple question.

    I just need help for a war build, want to improve even further.
  2. Lookout ledge?
  3. Dafuq? Do you even know what you've asked?
  4. Children, this is why you don't do drugs.
  5. "Is challenging watchtower lvl 3 for lookout ledge?"
  6. No, it is not. A changeling watchtower is a seperate building.
  7. The complicated and somewhat difficult to understand answer is....

    Sheep :lol:

  8. I think op is asking if it's for Estoc Edge
  9. No, he is asking if the changeling watchtower is the level 3 upgrade for the lookout tower.
  10. Oh! Ledge, edge, I tried to understand
  11. Promote Zorkay! He understands noob speak!
  12. Forums>strategy>lands and buildings thread by wulf to find the answer u seek but a changeling is its own building
  13. what he said above oh and ps it's way too early in the day for vodka... put the bottle down you will thank us later.