is a level 1 subterrane factory better than a level 3 forge?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by shuffling_smurf, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Like which one will get you more money.
  2. No, better off saving up to upgrade to lvl 2 sub
  3. No. Only lv3 is worth getting in t3.
  4. Build lvl 3 forges until u reach 900mil land. THEN, you build subs till lvl 3. BUT DON'T SELL FORGES YET! Sell forges when u get to 1.3 bill land
  5. Save for a level 2. Or buy a guild! :)
  6. @commander

    What do you build in the place of forges?
  7. Subs that's what I did, but I never heard of hansels at the time so I build an attack build. Also, attack build were good for wars and I joined in the warring era
  8. Subs and aviaries. Mix the 2 is recommended in the place of forges
  9. Don't buy a sub period unless you want to lose, the best builds only have aviaries
  10. If your not a hansel, go forges until u reach 900mil land. Then u build subs/aviaries. But do not sell forges yet for them. U sell forges when u reach 1.3bil land
  11. 1 sub is fine no more than that and never mix attack and defense buildings
  12. But u buy subs when u know u can afford lvl 3
  13. If you want to go to lvl 3 immediately it will cost 1.35 bil
  14. Yeah I know but u can still make 1.33 easy with the 900mil land. Cuz to afford lvl 3 it costs 850mil. At least it was easy for me to afford lvl 3 at 900mil land. But that's why I said sell at 1.3bil land, because that's the total amount adding building and upgrading lvl 1-3
  15. Thanks commander I'll do what u said to do
  16. Honestly, if you're just starting out and/or resetting, hansel build is the fastest for growth by far
  17. Ok, are u planning on doin resets for the bonuses?

    If you are dont build t3 just keep building forges, LC the lowlands and reset.

    If not, wait until you get to the 2.1bil or higher land and start swaping for t3 or if u want to be a hansel start swaping for lvl 3-4 guilds. Yes lvl 3 guilds give better ally plunder then forges. Keep one forge and try to do plunder wars til u have a full t3 build. Eaither hansel or attack. Then start to do epic battles.

    Hope this helped a little. 
  18. Circles are better IMO, as they give you more plunder. Circles 1 Aviary is optimal.