IronSight Sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Winters, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Ironsight is the name of my new story. It is about two warring factions (Whitehall Association and Foxtail) who are seeking dominion over a network of other factions.

    Posts needed to be filled are as follows:

    • Whitehall agent

    • Foxtail agent

    • Tsundra Black Ops (mercs)
    a few posts open but might not all get used.

    • Hellfyre oprative

    Whitehall is the main char faction
    Foxtail is the "bad" faction
    Tsundra are mercs-for-hire
    Hellfyre are gangsters

    Enjoy ^^
  2. There are a few Whitehall posts open
  3. 1st exerpt on page 88 of iWrite thread.
  4. Foxtail (sticking with foxes lol)
    Name: Bastion
    Age: Mid thirties
    Appearance: Trenchcoat, scarred face, sunglasses.
    Weapons: Shotgun, assault rifle
    Bio: Whitehall killed parents and seeking revenge
  5. Tsundra
    Name: ilker100
    weapons: 2 pistols, sniper rifle
    age: mid 20s
    appearence: black clothes,black cap,shades
    bio: parents abandoned him, wandering on his own he learned to fight
  6. Whitehall agent?
    Name: known as Ash
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Personality: Cold, wants to get the job done, not one for jokes.
    Appearence: Normally where's a black bandana on her face so only her Amber eyes can be seen. Has brown shoulder length hair, normally pulled back.
    Other: Is great at blending in.
  7. Name: Utho
    Weaponry: Long Duel Pistols
    Bio: Has grown up all his life in a Whitehall military academy. Never met parents (you can add a side story about that if ya want). Loudmouth and confident because he's really good with his guns.
    Look: A normal Whitehall soldier's uniform. Kinda short.
  8. Summers am I going to be used in the story?
  9. Sure. Don't worry.
  10. ilker I think ur name should be Ilker. Skip the 100. This sounds good summers
  11. Whithall

    Gender: male
    Name: Clato "The eagle eye"
    Talents: Professional Sniper And trap maker/bomb deffuser
    Weapon: Cammoflaged intervention ,2 Deagle and a 11"inch recurved hunting knife.
    Appearance: Tall and well built a little bearb. Brown eyes and dark hair.
    Bio(in case): Born in a family of seven clato never had his own toy so he had to build some himsefl. He builded slingshot bow and wood gun to play. He developed an extremely high presision scopped or not.

    Hope it good
  12. Call of Duty much? Lol
  13. Ok change the name to Ilker
  14. Side tsundra
    name Matt
    age 25
    looks long black hair
    weapon sniper
    bio heartless mercinary will do anything for a price....
  15. Name: Seth
    Faction: Tsundra black ops
    Nationality: Russian
    Position: Assasin
    Weapon of choice: Custom made silenced Fal with scope and cyanide rounds.
    Appearance: Full camouflage suit (changes deepening on his mission)
    Personality: Trained to kill. Seth will to whatever he has too do to kill his targets.

  16. Oops, forgot a few things
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
  17. Hi, last minute post to say that I will be gone for two weeks, but i'll be bringing my notebook with me. and as i will have nothing much to do besides write, i should probably have it about finished when I get back and you'll get the whole story more or less in one go.

  18. *bump* •.•
  19. Name ghost

    Age 27

    Weapons dual g18s riot shield katana

    side tusandra