iPhone not clearing key press memories and he

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Malestone7469, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. I've noticed that after I exit from KaW, the key press memories remain.....

    Causing other apps to go haywire.

    Please clear key press memories after I exit KaW. Thanks.

    I only ever run a few apps.

    The repeat action button falls in the sdef and jhkiyybb areas in herb hyykbhybbbcnyb Hub with out us a. Messh bb bloody yellhkhyhs h
  2. What are you even talking about?
    What's key press memory?
  3. For iPhone issues of such sorts please do the following to get s proper work about your issue

    1. Go to settings
    2. Go to privacy
    3. Go to diagnostics and usage
    4. Go to diagnostics and usage data
    5. Find the latest (newest) "Kaw" line
    6. Tap and open
    7. Copy all data
    8. Mail to support@athinkingape.com

    Be sure to mention the issue you're having before you paste the diagnostic log and always include your player name and to put "Kaw" in the subject.

  4. Yeah lol ...WTF? 
  5. Does he mean the squares where autocorrect is for iPhone 5 and up?
  6. I really don't know  ...let me know if you find out though lol