iOS device Pic upload codes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Malestone7469, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. Heya KaW Peeps,

    For an iOS device, what app should I use to generate code so that I may upload photos or pics onto the forums.

    Previously I could use an app, but after an update it was no longer possible.

    If you've knowledge of an app that allows me to upload onto a website photos in the format allowable by KaW, please kindly post here.

    Thank you very much

    And have a pleasant day
  2. Photobucket
  3. App? There is no app.. This is just strait up

  4. Code:
    [imgfit]Insert Link Here[/imgfit]
  5. Thank you. This helps a lot
  6. Btw, everyone thank you for the help


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