I asked before also in feedback but to no use. KaW does not fit on screen of iPhone 6plus in iOS 9 beta. Please fix it.there is about half inch black space above and below the app. Makes chatting and warring very difficult
Maybe u shouldnt have done beta. I doubt devs will do much for prob just u Not being rude just seriously
I don't care he's on LB. Quit your whining, email support and don't fill forums with this crap. Tell them you are one of the donks who spends lots of money. They will probably give you a personal fix.
Seems like a perfectly fine reason to make a thread nanoc. There are plenty of other threads you can try and look like you are a fool on bud.
That is why beta versions are to test them and see what needs to be fixed before release for general. Instead of waiting till gm or general release fix the issue now so everyone don't have to complain about this. Rest of apps/games are working ok that's why I think it's kaW problem not Apple problem.
Actually no it's not the place. She should have emailed support directly. As for looking like a fool. Look at your ignorant ass name. I don't figure you got any room to be talking.
And your name is conan spelled backwards... But hey, my name gets a laugh and the people who know me get it. Yours is just an attempt to take something unoriginal and spin it as original. You know, just to point that out for you. Get yours you little wannabe mini mod.
Perhaps he already has, and is also bringing it to forums in hopes others may have feedback whom are also testing iOS 9 beta.
It's in beta, so it won't be a bug caused by kaw, it will be iOS, that's why they're havin an open beta. To help squash bugs like this before they get massive negative feedback, I suggest to email Apple support, with the feedback, as ATA can't change their app for a beta OS
So I installed iOS 9 on my iPad also. Guess what it's working fine on iPad.so far I can deduce it's something with kaW app on iPhone 6 . Rest of apps working fine so don't think Apple will do anything about it. Tried changing viewing options from zoom to standard and back but no change.
Or maybe it's the iOS on your phone. Yes it's all the same but you never know if there's something wrong with the programming when it comes to dimensions.
I tried beta 1 also and had same issues with that. Sent feedback that time too. Then went back to iOS 8.3. Now did this beta 3 and same issues again. Will love to know if anyone else on iPhone 6 having same issue or its only iPhone 6+. What I have researched so far is seeming like scaling issue.
Apps are designed to run on so many versions of iOS if ata did update to run on iOS 9 then it's likely fault of Apple but if not then its fault of ata. But it is a beta you can't really complain till it's officially released bc when u downloaded the beta u knew it could mess up everything.
Could always just download the actual KaW app again and use instead of beta version? If this is not working you are screwed