Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KawUser-, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Not too good at thread, but yes, for the past few days ios 8 has been a problem, but now ioa 8.0.2 is out and it contains bug fixes, and I have done it, so try and see if it works out for you.
    If this thread is not wanted, lock.
  2. Android FTW
  3. 3 android devices yasss
  4. I am also android too haha
  5. So then why are you on this thread? Android users please shut up lol they were all over the KAW thread too its so stupid. When KAW releases an update for droid I don't run to forums to say three cheers for Apple!

    Anyway, back on topic...I just updated to new iOS and the keyboard seems to be working better now so that's a plus. Lol that was my only issue so I wonder how it's working for others.
  6. Op is android too? Smh. Lock please. Lol
  7. IOS8.0.2 is just as bad as IOS8. Horrible on wifi freezing! Much better service with 4G or LTE.(still freezes though).
  8. I still can't copy and paste
  9. My alt Is apple