Invictus Castra, a scam or an accident?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllIllIlllIILiLIlIlIlllIlIlI, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Well hello there,

    I was wandering around kaw looking for an adventure when an ad showed up on wc! " hte here, 4day-pass max xtal etc etc. ". Whoa, exciting! So I started searching my goodiebag for a seal, and applied!

    Well, that was the fun part. I Got in, used seal, finished eb and got kicked. The owner himself, who even profited from my pot phases, told me I had to seal again to stay while he just walled me my pass. Which obviously doesn't help much, still being rejected lmao.

    Now, let's get to the point. Invictus Castra, y'all got 6 hours, 34 minutes and 11 seconds to come up with a proper explanation (read lousy excuse).

    It's up to you guys to decide how this is going to end.

    Elite out.
  2. That's an interesting time frame. How did you come up with it?
  3. sounds great! Get farming their butts.
  4. Hey elite  Kill them for me
  5. Well put together
    Support 
  6. Sounds like a scam. Let the farming begin. o_O
  7. Sounds like another HTE scam clan. They have sprung up like weeds as of late.
  8. Please keep this thread updated, I am interested in how this is going to end 
  9. The matter is resolved!

    And well within the time limit. Excellent!
  10. For all those wishing to jump on the 'farm the scammers bandwagon' I would like to say that Invictus Castra works hard and has done for some time to provide B2B HTE for everyone. We allow guests to leave for war etc. and return at their convenience, using their wall pass. This happened to be a simple mix up about whether this player had already used a seal or not and he should have allowed for differing time zones, speaking to me first about the matter before posting in forums. Despite what has been said about me and my clan, along with the idle threat. I have allowed this player to stay and use his pass. He was still apologised to for the mistake and think this adequately shows that we are in no way a scamming clan, thanks.
  11. I don't think it shows it isn't a scamming clan, anyone would think you were sus if they got kicked (with no explanation), and ignored for 1:30 hours. The fact you think he shouldn't have done this, is laughable, he also posted on your wall.

    What makes it even more sus, is that you respond after a few players show signs of interest in the issue.

    I think you need to have a think how this looks, and the fact you think you are doing him a favour by letting him back in, is honestly laughable.
  12. If he was kicked right after dropping a seal... how is that a mix up?
  13. Mistakes happen. If it doesn't affect you then don't get involved, OP has requested a lock so he's obviously content with the outcome. If you want to fight someone then hit the BL.

    I can vouch for IC, they are not a scam clan.
  14. I know this clan.they do not scam.end of story
  15. Sorry but this, is an iPhone app.
    And these, are the online, public forums, for the, iPhone app.

    I think I'll get involved in whatever I please, but thanks a tonne for your concern.

    Oh and while you're at it, try not to completely contradict yourself, because you are in no way 'involved' with this either, it looks pretty stupid.