intresting new admin in zaft

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Let me start by saying I have full respect for zaft and they helped us strip thr member im about to talk about and the only reason ive brought this to forums is I have no direct link to zaft council. A while back zaft were in one of the greatest wars ever to hit kaw uc v zaft and I was n still am a zaft supporter but it saddens me to see a ex lotr leader ....beautiful now admin at zaft .......this is someone who was silenced by devs for 12 months for falsey acussing another kaw member of being a peodofile. Also beautiful desire entertained kaw with her wall posts when she was in dispute with another memb after sleeping with her man (trash talk of the worst kind)

    The worst part of all this is that the account in zaft that is an admin isnt even a main its an alt.

    Zaft you are the most respected and powerfull people in kaw .......keep it that way n tighten those passport controls .....and if its the case that u know all this and still accept desire as a memb then fine but if not u know now n keep zaft the class act it is n take this info on board.

    Pars .
  2. Nobody cares.

    If the person was truly silenced for a year sounds like they've done their time.
  3. Well on mario kart im a comma soooooo , ?
  4. How about we compensate with a ;
  5. Interesting

  6. Beautiful Desire is a Great Woman and i have much repect for her
    . I am sure she had her reasons, and if you are not ZAFT you right to degrade their admins.~Jennifer
  7. Damn emoji keyboard
  8. Troll I love your I dont care attitude n support nearly every post youve made ( I am a fan) but are u telling me that 12 month silence is something u would accept if you were accused of such crimes.....I doubt it
  9. I swear I placed my cup of give a crap somewhere around here. Hmm appears I lost it, sorry.
  10. It's probably with the **** I forgot to give unicorn.
  11. If I got someone silenced for a year I would pat myself on the back. Especially if it was because they accused me of something.

    You've gotta let things go though- a years a long time to be bitter about something so petty
  12. But seriously, I've warred zaft on multiple occasions and have respect for them. I think they know what they're doing considering they are one of the strongest alliances in kaw.
  13. Very interesting to see the people who dont care .......they obviously aint fathers or else they would find this disgusting but I suppose its easy to be a keyboard warrior. .....n av trolled ma fair share of forums but some of us draw a line n mine is pedophile accusations

    Just saying
  14. I'm a father and guess what..... you got it, I don't care.
  15. Lol I call people pedoes all the time, does it make me a bad person?
  16. OP is butthurt he lost OSW to the clan des was leading at the time and ended up running from a clan he swore to protect.

  17. The only opinions I will take into consideration here are trolls and co-d despite the non support at least they post with mains .....

    A rarity in kaw these days the rest of u alts tl-dr
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