Individual wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by someone01, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. When I first heard about individual wars I thought they would be 1on1. When I tried warring in one today (war 11) It wasn't at all what I expected. To me it seemed the same as the chaos wars. Does anyone know what the difference is and do you prefer chaos wars or individual wars? Also would you prefer 1on1 wars or do you like the clan wars?
  2. They should have both
  3. Lol I wrecked you
  4. Individual Wars allow you to register on your own, meaning you don't have to organize your clan to join. Additionally, because the system for individual wars does the matching up the results are much more balanced.
  5. Thank you kaw_community
  6. I love these Indy wars I hope one day that all wars will be Indy....I find it is what the kawmunity has needed for long time. I find it is bringing everyone together, people are popping out of the wood works again. Old and new players sharing experience and just enjoying themselves again.. They will sing songs and have huge banquettes in great halls where we all shall dance naked to celebrate these Indy wars...Thankyou for the Indy wars keep them coming more the better 