Individual War Review - open thoughts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thanatos-Korgano, May 30, 2014.

  1. I know the devs made a thread for quick posts/thoughts but I want to write this up in a more complete manner so they see this and give it thought. I also greatly encourage folks to post their thoughts in here as well.

    Regarding the Individual War, random clan placement, test on was great. Smashing success on the important parts. Yes there were kinks in the administrative aspects but one would assume those will be vastly improved over time so that people get into clans and have more time to prepare, etc.

    However, like others, I really got to see the difference in potential systems by doing the Thursday night war and then the Friday war. With the current system, you almost always know the outcome before the war even starts.

    On Thursday, we put together a roster of friends and folks we know. Great group, fun people, but we all left the war with the same comments "great job all, good work, sorry about the matchup". I talked to multiple folks afterwards to get their feelings.

    Why did I seek them out to get their feelings? Because our whole group decided not to war all....with about 2 weeks to go in season 3. We hated it. It was no fun. It was draining and frustrating. Even with a great group of people that we love, none of the folks really wanted to do it anymore.

    So, with the "test" wars we finally had a group that said, "okay, let's try it again, see how it goes". We put together a roster that was fairly balanced. 5 or 6 big guys (not leaderboard but 22-25m CS), 5-6 folks that would generally be considered mids or almost bigs (16m to 22m CS), and 4 shadow hansels. All were pretty good war builds with towers, no huge plunder leaks.

    We matched a clan with 4 folks at the top that none of us could atk and a bunch of SH that paid like.....well, like SH. We lost obviously. Everyone was friendly and no one placed blame or yelled at eachother for their performance but no one was happy at all.

    Everyone walked away saying, "nope, i'm tearing down my towers, i don't want to do this anymore, etc" One I spoke to today is considering quiting kaw because as she put it, war sucks and eb's are boring. This isn't a new sentiment either, we've already seen a large part of our normal group quit the game after season 3. Not just step away or take a break, full out quit and disappear.

    But now the good news. After the complete bummer that was last night....I took my other alt and did today's Individual War. I knew none of the folks in my clan, we got dumped together with no prep time, and it was AWESOME!!!!! So much fun that it doesn't even compare to the current EE system.

    A few others of our normal war group participated as well. They had varying feelings afterwards based on the people they got put with and the timing but they all said the same thing, "the war part was great". The war part, the most important part, the event itself was great. I haven't heard anyone in our group say a war was great in months and months.

    I cannot stress how much the current system is horrible and needs a major major overhaul. I also cannot stress how much I would love to see you guys implement something like today's random placement war as a fix.

    Please please please do more of these. Do them daily, do them at all different times, do them as often as you have the employees available to run them. For the first time in a long time I had FUN!!!
  2. 3rd thread today on this topic
    Use the devs thread for Pete's sake

  3. So get ready for the merge/lock...
  4. Thanks for that noodle. As the first paragraph pointed out, I didn't want to post a 1000 word response on their thread that will just get overlooked by them.
  5. Idk if they will overlook it cuz they made that thread for that purpose
    Its worth a shot either way :)

    Happy KaWing

  6. Can't agree more! Support!! 
  7. TK please if nothing else atleast copy this to their thread as it is a good opinion/breakdown of more than just a individuals feelings on the subject. Just because ata hasn't fixed everything people think needs fixing doesn't mean that they don't read their own threads so it should be up to us to make sure they have to do as little as possible to gather the communities input so they have more time and collective feedback to implement changes.
  8. Why not just post on the thread created specifically for this purpose, instead of hoping the devs will hunt down yours?
  9. I didn't get the chance to participate due to RL obligations, but it looked like fun. I like the idea of a random clan being put together, adds to the difficulty of running a war. It looked great devs, I hope to see more in the future! 