Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by mikejustice, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Here is my idea to fix indi (a little anyway) if a PS has seal of loyalty or oath of fealty cast their Allies cannot be hired once match has been made. People can just ss the Allies of PS not in war and the spells are useless when they war cause we already know who they are . But if a PS does not cast it during matchup or after notice of mithrill and upcoming war their Allies can be hired. Make the spell actually worth casting. My opinion is this will help wars and more people will participate.

    Thanks for you thoughts and I am sure lots agree with me on this
  2. I say disable all ally purchases when war starts. But at the same time i think stripping ps is a risk of the build.
  3. Not all if a PS doesn't hide Allies that is a open for hire target part of war but as it is now ally spells mean nothing during war with ss of Allies
  4. This does not require a fix, please don't waste our precious number of resources on this.

    If the PS really didn't want to get stripped, they should waste a few extra mith and get that spell up before the match ups are made.
  5. Disable Hires if ally spell cast. that would render screenshots useless. but if a ps Forgets to cast it then thats just business.
  6. Hide your allies at all times.

  7. If you don't bank quick enough...

    Your team just lost because of you.
  8. No support I lik stripping ps
  9. Ps need to take the risks!
  10. you can't just remove a disadvantage of a build like that...
  11. ps can add an att building and become hansel.
  12. Do not make it so casting the spell actually disables the ability to hire the person's allies. That would destroy osw in one shot. Stripping would be darn near removed from the game.

    "Hey fellow clan members, I'm headed to bed with my zero towers and 10t allies. Spells cast so I'm good for the next 12 hours. See y'all in the morning"

    Just disable all ally hires upon matchup through the end of the EE war. For everyone. Easy solution that wouldn't completely screw over another area of the game.
  13. No support

    I don't see why the devs need to kiss ps ass. Ps have a lot of benefits over an attack build. They could stand to have some disadvantages and weak points. No one forces a ps to EE or carry allies. If you get stripped in EE it's your own damn fault.

    Sorry for being blunt like that mike, but that's how I feel. Perhaps it's from all these ps1 in pvp event going dtw while they play then drop build and hide allies while sleeping.
  14. Full support for disabling allie hires whilst seal or oath is cast........these people crying about no support wont be so quick to no support if that ps is on there side ....look at the bigger picture folks an open ps can go against u or for u n its out of your control which iant fair on also stops ps throwing wars for mates on the opposite side rendering all your good work useless
  15. So it's ok to lose EE when ps decide to open themselves during war, but not ok to use the strategy to open the ps to win?

    It's ok for the ps to ruin the pvp events by opening themselves when they choose To be hit not ok for ps to be opened when it doesn't suit them?

    Ps happy to build troop building during primal when the odds high in their favour, now we should let them war all formats with no risk?

  16. Best ps fix is adding a stable.
  17. The best ps would have no allies at all.
  18. No support. If you are a pure spy, don't own ******* allies.
  19. PS means = Please Strip nothing more nothing less
  20. I am a PS1 and I do not like this idea it all. Mechanics have always been the same why change it? Don't like it? Then don't be a PS. It doesn't solve PS throwing wars considering they can just sell pots, so that is stupid excuse. If you can't handle it then don't use.

    Also, having screen shots of a PS's allies before they cast the hide ally spell does not always mean you can easily find and hire their allies. This is a strategy game, think of a strategy you could use to hide your allies to protect yourself from being stripped. There already is an easy solution, so go ahead and brainstorm. I won't go ahead and just share it, it is pretty basic. You are welcome to pm me your guesses and I will tell you if you are right or wrong.