Indi War Question

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KaWcaine, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Hi I have a question for the mods can I war on two accounts this one and my main or am I not allowed?
  2. you may as long you dont war against yourself, and in the future please use the stickied question thread
  3. Someone confirm this please
  4. How do I know I won't match my main
  5. I can confirm he's right.

    You don't, that's why you shouldn't.
  6. Do not cast 2 accounts. For all other warrers sake, please
  7. Yes you can. The wars today are classic which means you can just about manage to war 2 accounts if starting war times are different and you manage to record your sko times so you can be ready to sko in 10 mins with both accounts. Advantage is however the easiest to war 2 accounts but I wouldn't advise warring 2 for random wars as it requires constant sweeping and very difficult while doing so with 2 accounts.

  8. Did you seriously ask this question? C'mon mate, war one at a time, not dual \ multiple accounts at the same time. Hell, this is one of the issues with the current war system.

    Anyway, happy KAW'ing :cool:
  9. Apparently you can war on 20 accts if you wanted to.