Increasing EE War Participation

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WinfredfastDehnabolt, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. First time we participated in War 4, there were either over 70 or close to 70 clans. Last night there was 46 clans. Obviously, there has to be a reason. Look at what happens to those who participate:

    1) Receive Estoc's Edge ~ increasing gold production
    2) Receive Mith Bonus ~ providing huge possibilities for equipment benefits
    3) Receive Rancor Points ~ providing new opportunities for equipment
    4) Receive Prestige ~ providing their clan with new opportunities to recruit players

    1) Lose Estoc's Edge ~ decreasing gold production
    2) Lose Mith Spent ~ decreasing equipment potential or gold income
    3) Lose Rancor Points ~ decreasing chance at equipment
    4) Lose Prestige ~ decreasing their opportunity to recruit players

    Naturally, only the winners will continue to play. Losers will look at their 12 to 14 Billion gold spent and decide they would rather play SimKaW then Kingdoms at War, after that. And the truth is, I can't blame them.

    So, what do we do to encourage losing clans to keep warring and gaining the necessary experience to win? And how do we make sure no exploits are used and KaW remains profitable for the Devs? Here is what I propose to make these changes when winning teams receive 3 Rancor Levels instead of 2 to do the following:

    1) Winners receive all that they did before with the exception of 3 Rancor Levels instead of 2
    2) Losers who did not spend mith or xtal during war receive all they did in the past ~ this limits clans trying for exploits
    3) Any player using xtals in war does not lose Rancor levels ~ your clan tries to win and they don't, well, then we don't punish you for losing as much
    4) Any player using xtals on a losing team also immediately following WAR has Vanished Paladins begin immediately ~ with the potential to earn up to double the mith they invested in war up to 25 ~ so, they invest 14 mith and can make 25 mith ~ a profit of 11 mith ~ not the same as winning but nothing to laugh at
    5) Vanished Paladins gets weaker in the fourth hour so it can be beaten by a single player who unloads on it ~ just to ensure those who want to go to bed after war can, after hitting it once or more
    6) Any clan receiving a no match gets Vanished Paladins, same as now and all that use xtals get one Rancor level with a limit of one gain when the 3 are given to winners ~ why punish them for not having a match after all?

    I know a lot of winning clan members will say, "Just learn how to war!" or "Just join a good war clan!" Well, the truth is, new players lose once or twice and generally say "25 Billion gold for 2 losses and nothing to show for it ~ I give up!" Trust me on this one. I train them and generally, they war once and if they win, war a lot afterwards. If they lose once, often stop warring. We need to give them an incentive to keep winning. This is one. Not close to the rewards a winning clan gets but at least motivation to continue to war.
  2. I think a non-prestige league could be a good idea.
    A league that cost very little to participate in and the only reward is plunder and experience.

    Kind of like EE training. A place to learn the basics of the system.

    The cost of crystals and mith is a lot to someone who can't get into an experienced clan.

    This isn't really a thought out idea, just something to think about.
  3. Support op
  4. EE training wouldn't be used lol. It'll be like system wars of today, non existent.
  5. Sounds good :)
  6. Support, your ideas are good. An excellent way to incentivize EE for losers.
  7. No Support


  8. Yiur proposal is pretty complicated. How about this instead.

    1. Losing team gets 1/2 the mith back that they invested in the war.

    2. Losing team gets one level of EE for 48 hours this allows them to recoup financial losses from spent pots.

    That's it. Simple and easy
  9. Agree with moose. New clans will have nothing to lose then.
  10. We should not pit Winners against Losers in regard to War Rewards, this is where the Developers dropped the ball with their initial polling. There is no sound reasoning behind going all Robin Hood and decreasing Winners' gains to subsidize the losing side.

    Rather, we should be looking at a straight Participation Bonus as an incentive. The OP brings up the increased involvement of Kingdoms during the Pre-Season. I am certain the Rancor Rage Achievement had something to do with this. Why not give this Achievement levels?

    This first Season is a wash as far as I'm concerned. But for Season II I would like Estoc's Edge be more participation-based. So something like a Rancor Rage Achievement where each level (1 through 5) is earned by joining Wars. After joining 5 Wars you get Estoc's Edge 1 for the length of the Season. After joining 10 Wars you are awarded Estoc's Edge 2 for the remainder of the Season, etc.

    This gifts the most Gold to those Warring the most, and it's those Warring the most whom need the most Gold. This will reward all War participants evenly, win or lose, and having it only last the extent of the War Season will curb the influx of extra Gold into the economy. And all War participants, win or lose, get a nice Achievement to display on their Profiles acknowledging their War gusto for future recruiting to boot.

    I think the Community needs something like this to get motivated, something where their efforts, successful or otherwise, are acknowledged. Busting our humps to make War times and spending all our resources trying our best against whatever "good" match-ups our Clans get with often nothing to show for it but a swift kick in the pants is not going to cut it.
  11. Moose, you are suggesting cutting losers losses in half. You suggestion to put a pillow under them to soften the blow when they fall is better than nothing. Thank you for that. Now instead of being out 7 billion, they are out 3.5 Billion.

    Current System:
    Losers usually lose 14 mith and about 8 billion more in pots (at the least)
    Winners gain over 50 mith and an Estoc's Edge that will pay for their pots
    LOSERS STOP WARRING ~ We have seen this

    Moose's System:
    Losers usually lose 7 mith and should break even on pots in the long run~ total loss of 5 Billion gold
    Winners gain over 50 mith and Estoc's Edge that will pay for their pots
    Will Losers stop warring? I would be interested to see....

    My system:
    Losers win 10 mith and lose 8 billion in pots ~ basically they are paying 800 million per mith and spending an xtal (KaW can hear the cash register)
    Winners gain over 50 mith and Estoc's Edge that will pay for their pots
    Will losers stop warring? No, it is actually in their best interest to keep warring because they can get Mith Equipment (granted incredible slowly) in spite of their losses

    A lot of winners won't support this because they like the idea of losers being heavily punished. Me, I love the idea of more people fighting in wars.
  12. Lets not forget that more people warring means more people available for matchups, so less no-matches, and more likely to have better matches too.
  13. I voted for losing side to get paladin EB. ATA should hurry that along, I think it will increase participation as at least the losing team is not completely unrewarded for taking part.
  14. Support to some kind of compensation to losing side... more warring clans means bettter matches and more fun
  15. I support moose idea. Although i have an option (remember its only an option to think about) : that the losers also get 1/2 of their used xtals. This way a lot of ppl will join ( if use 1 not get any back only if use 2 xtals will get 1 back) . Please make ur opinion about it (-:
  16. Nice thread Support for anything that helps encourage more people to join the rancor wars
  17. Support. I would also like to see increased participation in EE wars.

    Another way that the devs could encourage participation would be to have a random drop of equip ( the equip being rewarded to those with rancor levels) at the end of the season. Each action you perform during the season makes you eligible for the random drop, and the more actions the better your chances.

    That way, even if you don't win you still have a chance to earn equip.
  18. I hate seeing losers rewarded ... Sorry but you guys lost ... I put in tons of work so that we have the best possible chance of winning why should someone get rewarded for anything less.
  19. Great idea OP. full support 