Incorrect Stat Increase on SDT and ADT buildings on New Land

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, May 9, 2016.

  1. Incorrect Stat Increase on SDT

    Well hello again KaWmunity and you rather gorgeous looking ATA employees. Yes Miles I'm talking to you!!! I know how much you like your ego stroked so enjoy! Now having buttered you up nicely I'd like to take some time to discuss and point out another Wee, ever so small, minuscule mistake I believe I've found. I know I know chances of you guys making 2 mistakes in our fabulous game is...well, as likely a chance as I have of winning the lottery.

    In my previous post re the error on attack building stat increase you read, digested and agreed a change was needed as the level of investment from lvl 9 to 10 didn't match the stats. Again for that thank you. In fact a special thanks must go out to Mario, clearly a game designer of unsurpassed skill and poise. I bet he's smooth with the ladies too...

    Now Having done a fair bit of research I've discovered the same error with both sdt
  2. Re: Incorrect Stat Increase on SDT

    So I was saying. Lvl8 to lvl9 on SDT gives you a raw stat increase of 187,481,967 and you pay 5t for that. But lvl9 to lvl10 you get a raw stat increase of 184,808,628 but you pay 7t for less of an increase.
    The same can be seen on ADT. Lvl8 to lvl9 is an increase of 175,040,922 while lvl 9 to lvl10 is an increase of 174,360,508.

    Can I ask you guys please to look into this for us.
  3. Support

    much better
  4. I promise my original post was full of more detail, wit, humour and blatant compliments to Grant, Mario and Miles in hope flagrant compliments somehow made my post carry more weight. Alas it was all lost and I'm more than a little disappointed. Thank god for Petal the gorgeous Mod who helped save the main part of my post.
    Looking forward to those sexy, intelligent, gorgeous ATA guys responding quickly lol see what I did there
  5. Good catch again
  6. Some lands do the same thing. Like HL is 178b for a tiny increase, but previous bigger upgs r only 52b. Just deal with it
  7. Sorry Dot but no where else in the game do you pay more for less of an increase. And besides why should you be forced to pay a considerable amount more for less? Doesn't make sense at all.
  8. Re: Incorrect Stat Increase on SDT

    Hai :D

  9. Ik it shouldnt make sense. But lvl 3 to 4 for vols on HL tho?
  10. Makes sense. There does appear to be a mistake in the stat calculations for the final upgrade
  11. The stats don't need to go up that's the cost pay it or don't. It's more of a gold sink
  12. Bigger stats for a gold sink is still pretty nice honestly
  13. Gold sink? What on earth are you talking about. The stats increase each and every level apart from the last one where you are paying more for less. That's not right any way you cut it. Listen, the Devs agreed the same error was not right on attack buildings and corrected it. I'm asking them to look at this and do the same thing.
  14. Hey guys. Quick bump as would really like to hear back from the Devs. After you've caught up on yr beauty sleep ofcourse. Not that any of you need
  15. All the buildings cost in million/cs increase seem random, they don't follow any specific curve. Looks like devs just plugged in numbers.
  16. Seems to me the spy stats are to big.
  17. Aside from Ado's badge worthy kiss assing I support the stat increase.
  18. Come on guys a reply would be good. Can't use the sleep excuse we all know you are awake. Please respond