Inclusion of a new Pinch system

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by X_-RaPhaEL-_X, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. We all have seen our fate with difficult epic battles when clan members go inactive for long time. well I suggest adding a pinch/scratch system on the member/player's page, which when used will notify the user about being scratched or pinched by any other person within the clan. well this can be used as an distress call to seek out for active players when things go south :).

    The notification may be similar to the pm or wall notifications.
  2. a poke......
  3. a prod......
  4. Yeah just like that :p
  5. This would be handy to use if a member of your clan is stripped actually, like this idea, support 
  6. How about a "hump" I'd definitely use that.. :shock:
  7. Can be used to spam/annoy people, I hope if you block someone they can't pinch/scratch you.
  8. Also we should be able to turn off that notification in settings.
  9. There is a pinch button

    Click on [Name] > [Attack] > [Continue]
    For a bigger pinch try
    [Name] > [Attack] > [Select All] > [Continue]
  10. I totally see this being used for the wrong reasons (mass spam) but its a decent idea.
  11. Forumception
    Forum using forum
  12. ;) I know shadow, its been a while since I've been here.
  13. Dylacer, that should be implemented. Would be cool to attack people
  14. lol true...please support this idea and lets take it to the devs :)
  15. Nice idea raph

  16. No need for this waste of code. Tell ypu ppl to leave notifications on an just wall/pm them. Same damn thing.....
  17. But , it's more convenient to push a button at distress rather writing letters on their walls or pm of many inactive members
  18. thank you spartan :p