Backstory I think I have come up with a way to successfully create an incentive for people to hit other people instead of EB's. An idea was just proposed(1 nobility a day for hitting people) but the issue with this is it is directly taking out of the devs pockets, less nobility will be sold because people will be getting them for free. Less sold=less money, and we all know that will never happen. No hate on the devs, they are still a business and have families of their own they have to feed, so they can't do something as stupid as that. Yesterday I was sitting in the shower podering this issue, and I came up with the solution. Prisoners of war (image of devs choice) Prisoners captured from the fallen soldiers of enemy armies made to work for their survival Attack: 0 Defense:0 Spy Attack:0 Spy Defense:0 Obviously right now you are probably thinking: "Why on earth would I want a building that gives me no stats?! thats a waste of precious land!" heres the catch; this building stores enemies captured from other kindoms, and they work for you, building you kingdom to survive. in lamens terms they give you gold. I propose(and this next part can be adjusted to what the devs see fit) that for every successful attack you have on an enemy kingdom, you capture 1 of their soldiers. Every soldier you have in your building provides you with 1 million gold an hour. Soldiers earn their freedom every sunday at 12:00am so you can't just hoard 10000 soldiers and become top leaderboard in a month. but if you hit other people enough, you can end up getting more money an hour than you can possibly get from EB's(500mil an hour for doing nothing sound nice? sure does to me, and that could be easily) earned). This in turn provides more money than EB's(due to the extra money an hour, not even counting the money earned from the actual hit) and will be worth the while. The best part is it will reward PvP'ers more than you think! if they are hitting people, guess who they will be hitting? EB fairies! so while you are making money from your soldiers of war, the EB fairies are constantly being attacked by people in search of more hourly cash. This hurts EB fairies, helps PvP'ers, and seems like a genius idea in my opinion. Obviously their are some flaws, like people hitting inactives, but honestly, a couple people hitting an inactive is 100x better than a couple thousand people hitting EB's. I'm open to discussion though so please post your opinions below :mrgreen: and for obvious reasons you can only have 1 of this building(like the castle).
Reminder that the numbers can be adjusted, but the idea is still their. Also new idea: troops can be withdrawn in order to attack other people(like a form of crystals) look on the second and third page to see more on this.
Alright but I think that the idea about the building that steals troops should be... Like xtals where you can use the troops you stole.
The issue with that is you wouldn't be able to make as much money as EB's more than likely, or pinning would be ruined because of it and war would be chaos(which would be pretty funny and fun in all honesty but im not sure the average kaw player would go for that). this way you make more money than EB's so the average Kaw player would go for it, thus changing the game in total.
actually now that i think about it, if you just make 10 soldiers give 1 million gold, and then every hit gives 10 soldiers, that is possible. and they give gold but you CAN withdraw them in order to attack people more for things such as wars or 1v1's. That would make this game SOOO much more interesting and competitive lol.
I'm so sick of the "They can farm Alts!!" Is it not worth it? If nothing is changed this game is going to ****.
Most peoples main's aren't even close to their alts, so if you're willing to take like 10Mil a hit instead of 50Mil a hit just to get troops go on ahead but you won't make as much money overall lmao. Also I said there are flaws but nothing is perfect. But then again ur idea isn't really a flaw since you're A) not making as much money B)hurting your alt severly(which few people wanna do) and C) not as fun as hitting EB fairies
Exactly my point, there will be flaws in any change, and people will ALWAYS take advantage of things and find loopholes, but i'd rather have 100 people hitting inactives than 10000 people hitting EB's.
Alright, first off Im not hurting my alt severely. Also, you have to realize that its a valid point. You cant have people hittimg their alts and getting free stuff. Dont get me wrong, I love the idea. But theyd have to change it a bit.