Incentive to Non-winners of Estocs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. This idea came to me because of these two experiences:
    1: I had the Silver Estoc after winning five straight wars. At this point i was over the moon, since well...i love rewards. However my happiness went on a downfall as my clan lost two straight wars, leaving me with no Estoc. More heart-breaking because i was one of the better performers in those losing wars. Whats worse is that some ppl in the other clan didnt even try as hard as me and got rewarded!
    2: My second Estoc War with my clan ended by a forfeit at the two hour mark. At that point, we were completely destroying. However we all wanted to continue because of our thirst for mithril, and was disappointed when the ff.

    Which leads to my idea:
    What if the top third performers of the losing clan got to keep their current Estoc.
    **The players chosed as the top third will be judged on actions and plunder in comparison to their size as well as activeness**
    ^^These better performing players wont be rewarded, but wont be penalised either...

    How this is a solution to my experiances;
    1: This new idea would make me satisfied that my effort and dedication had not been for a loss of my belongings (couldn't thing of a better word :lol:)
    2: This would stop the opposing clan from forfeiting because the people from the other clan will be competing against each other to be in the top third of their players and hence not lose their current EE and get a portion of their mith back..

    Quick Notes:
    By top third i mean: top 10 in a clan of 30, top 20 in a clan of 60 etc. :geek:
    Wars are a risk!: The top third are going to lose the mith they used. While the bottom two thirds have the EE demoted one level and have a loss of mith :)
    The main flaw seems to be; their is no i in team :?

    Thank you for reading :)

    ╠╣║ .╠-
  2. What's the old saying..
    There's no "i" in team.

    Also, if Devs get the match ups right, the ff button should be disabled.
  3. The ones that contribute most in wars are never in the top plunder, people endlessly pinning Spies with scouts and others Assassinating will be low down the plunder rank.
    Being top plunder means noting.
  4. Maybe it could be most actions or longest active time, or some kind of mix of both
  5. maybe actions per war should calculate mith?
  6. There is no "I" in team, but there is a "U" In stupid.

    Seriously, however, no support. There needs to be consequences for losing. The world does not care how hard you try. It only cares if you succeed.

    Better luck next time 
  7. Pretty selfish post. You'd happily let your team mates get decimated as long as you're ok. Quality.
  8. Support, I disagree with moose.
  9. If they sign up, they should be ready to risk what they have :)
  10. Incentive to lose 
  11. [​IMG]
  12. The losing team is called "losers" for a reason. I can't imagine giving out awards for a fail 
  13. Hmm if only the top 3 in plunders get it, no support. I help a lot in war with succesful actions but assassinates or KOs do not always mean higher plunder
  14. i hate to diasagree with a mod, but the top third isnt getting awarded anything, they are just losing the mith they used...
  15. How about those keeping track of ko times and keeping things organsied? And in these wars if a clan decides to sit on you, its not ur fault but there isn't much for you to do…
  16. War you are proposing is a no risk high reward system for people who have plunder earning builds. Strikes me as unfair. Also, there SHOULD be risk in war
  17. Barbie there is an m and e in team though.
  18. its hard to incorprate every1's opinion into one idea...
    if u have want to include something, plz write how i can include it WITH the idea; u say include that keep track of KO times? tell me HOW i can include that into the idea
    ty ;)
  19. HP you get a percent of their plunder when you KO someone.
  20. Fluffles the KO system is whack. I got KO'd numerous times and didn't give any plunder to the person who KO'd me. It said self KO. More than 10 times in the 5 wars i have done. And I've only been KO'd like 15 times. So 5/15 isn't a good percentage. So no there is truly no bonus to assn someone to KO. Even tho I help and DO ko someone, I don't get rewarded because either a) it's given to them as a self KO or b) some one comes in and steals my KO.

    And moose i disagree. There is no great reward for winning. Well for attk builds there is.

    And if no one has noticed, top plunder always always goes to the top 3 players in clan. Do some research guys before u post nonsense like this