Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ELiTE-Fire-NOOB, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. I am here to discuss about how inactive the mods have been this week.

    Many people have been spamming and posting inappropriate messages and they don't do anything about messages over 1 day old!
    This is ridiculous as I received messages and there wernt any mods on to do anything about it when a mod came on ( PETAL ) she posted she couldn't do anything about it!
    This is stupid and mods should be able to react to messages over 1 day old!
    Post what you think about this below. 
  2. Ss the spam/bypass and email it to the devs. Easy as that
  3. They have lives too believe it or not. And are busy when on.
  4. I think that this shouldn't be in forums.
  5. Devs need to hire new mods!
  6. Listen, mods do their best but they're not gods...they can't do it all

    If you see a bypass or infraction please ss to devs or wall a moderator
  7. For all the mods know that player may have already been silenced but you are tricking them into silencing them again. Devs can tell if they have been silenced for that offense. Email the devs
  8. They did not silence the person though and I know there not gods but I think devs should probably hire more mods and some night mods as well cause believe it or not they do sleep devs!
  9. If I get silenced for my opinion so be it that's not gonna help anyone.
  10. No it seems legit, then people can't get silenced for something they don't remember even doing when they were a noob and didnt even know they did something wrong. People shouldn't be punished for their past.
  11. Mods don't have to be on all the time. What part of that do you not understand? YOU can report things when mods aren't on. It's simple as emailing now ******* shut up and stop your pathetic crying
  12. I do agree, we need 1-2 more forum mods and perhaps 2-3 more game mods
  13. I have noticed a cycle of mods being added, then they slowly start getting boring of doing a huge amount of work with no reward or even gratitude and eventually ignoring their duties or going inactive.

    There must have been at least fifty Moderators during the lifetime of KaW and I'd estimate there are around five active Mods at the moment.
  14. Nivans :lol: :lol:
  15. I agree we shouldn't be punished for our past!

    But I'm still perm silenced without the possibility of an appeal for silences dating back to 3 years ago
  16. Mods choosing process is a long process and people go thru a lot to become a mod so its not as easy as u think.
  17. Shut up. Its a bypass noob. Grow up and stop bitching at the Mods, they are currently getting their asses spammed by New Age, I don't think they care about your petty bypass complaint :lol:
  18. Do you think if we had more moderators, the incessant whining would stop?

    I don't.

    Nor would the improper threads.
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