inactive accounts

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aussie_Sheila, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. How long before an inactive accounts is removed? Mez and Aussie huntress will not be playing again until the new yr due to work commitments. Please don't removed acc's
  2. As long as you don't double post they will not be deleted
  3. Inactives are reset every 6 months or so
  4. It's totally random but I think the minimum amount is 6 months
  5. 6 months for non pro and 2 years for pro I think yes?
  6. Just ask in wc next time.
  7. Finally, some new inactives to farm or pin on. Thanks op.
  8. Spragga is a non-pro account and has not been reset
  9. Spragga is spragga.
    You don't reset spragga, spragga resets you.
  10. regular account six months, sorta.

    im pretty sure they do it in bulk. like say on January1. if on that day you have been inactive for atleast six months then the account would be removed.

    then again im just basing this from a personal observation.
    those three allies of mine may have all become 60days inactive on that same day. at the same time.
  11. Why not hit actives?
  12. Actives are boring. Around my hit range, they're all big alliances or EB fairies that refuse to hit back without a clan. I'm not interested in either of those for my PvP fun.

  13. That's cause that is not the original spragga. Spragga was reset but someone just took the name.
  14. Pro accounts (to my vast KaW knowledge) are never reset, which is why its a good idea to invest in one if you're going off for a few months.

    I was joking about the vast KaW knowledge, don't bully me
  15. I'm pretty sure that they reset, but at a much longer rate. Think it's like 1 year or something for them.
  16. They get reset/deleted as well. I've had one reset on me, a friend had one reset on them. One of the KaW accounts confirmed that they also reset.
  17. And inactives do hit back?