This is a poem for any of those people who you lost that were special to you. This poem is actually for my 90 year-old great grandmother who passed away a few days ago. I called her MomMom. God saw she was getting tired, And a cure was not to be, So He put His arms around her And whispered,"Come to Me." With tearful eyes we watched her, And saw her pass away. Although we loved her dearly, We could not make her stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove To us, He only takes the best.
Reminds me of my grandfather. This brought tears to my eyes, because it reminded me of him so. Well done!
The church wrote this based on how we all felt. I have written poetry, but this is not my own. This is even better. My poetry does not make you cry, smile, or feel angry. This makes me cry every time. It's the kind of poetry that no one can mimic. It has to be real.
But I'm happy to say that this beautiful piece of art was written in honor of my MomMom. I hope she's happy up there. I'll miss her.
You know, I have a friend who happens to call himself a "realist", I bet you and him would be friends. No sarcasm.