Hey Devs and KaWmunity, I know that there have been comments made about this previously however I don't believe a decision has been made yet. I'm not talking about war xstals another thread exists about that. What I'd like to propose/discuss is an ingame xstal counter that allows each gamer to see exactly how many xstals they have used. Somewhere within your profile possibly. Obviously this would then avoid any issues over war xstals vs EB xstals and would be good to know when you are getting close to your daily limit. So Devs what ya think? Easy to add/implement? Pita, too complicated and too much technical work to justify? What ya'll think? Thanks
Only use I can see is as a way of proving you xtalled on demand during an ee war. May help some clans. Especially less experienced war clans. Beyond that?
I literally am amazed peeps don't think it would be a useful thing to have. Of course you can count yourself but we are all busy (some more than others clearly) A quick click to see where u are at. Surely a good idea. Oh well...
SUPPORT, I never know when my 24 hour period starts. Some days I pop almost 48 and other I pop 10 and I am maxed. Very easy and would he very helpful.
Everyone who does not support it obviously never have maxed xstalled or do not understand how great this would be. If you're trying to max xstal, but want to ee war, then you're a little iffy in regards to how many you can use. Thus a counter would take the guess work and stress out of the process and encourage xstal use *cough* devs *cough*. SUPPORT
I've seen this idea come up a few times from different players and I can agree that it would be useful. Right now there are quite a few things on our plate that we'd like to get out first as seen in our roadmap, but I'll pass this idea long to the developers for consideration in the future.
For ee proof... You ss your xtals before war and after war with like... A time stamp on your wall (lotta clans demand you war on pc) so... Next
Thanks Kaw_Community Appreciate the response and support. Happy to wait for it to happen. Great news it will be strongly considered Thanks
Nice Idea will help everyone alot... but sorry not worth of that time as devs have other thing to do too. This thread should be in ideas + feature request section. :roll: