Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by twosox, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. The clan events tab allows you to see active wars, upcoming wars, and epic battles. These are all nice features but the "EPIC BATTLES" list is sorted by starting time. I really think it could be improved by also sorting it by "EPIC BATTLE". That way when a player is looking for a specific epic battle, they can easily scroll and find out where that particular epic battle is being run.
  2. I support this 100%. If I have to search through that damn list for an eb I want to do, only to find I can't be accepted to the clan I choose for whatever season resulting in me having to start all the way at the top again, I will rage quit. (not really)

    Seriously though, if this was to be implemented, you could effectively end your pesky problem of advertising in wc. You could ban adverts in wc with this, there would be no need for them anymore, kaw would have its wc back.
  3. Great idea bro
  4. I was just making a new thread about this but decided to double check first if someone has alrady posted something similar about this.


    This feature can be useful especially for new players that are hunting for equip. But it's nice even for big players with full equip, i mean "EB fairies" like me :lol:
    Devs can add a filter on the CLAN EVENTS page or can add a new field for the EBs at the SEARCH page.
  5. To make it easier on the user, maybe the interface of the CE page would be similar to that of the EB list page. So you'd click what chapter, and it'd branch off onto its sub-events. Then you'd see a list of class running said sub-events and how much time is left. Hopefully this would resolve the issue of WC ads greatly.
  6. Would be interesting to know kaw_admins thoughts on this idea :)