So I was sitting here unloading troops like normal and just came to a realization. I started playing this game 4 and half years ago when my wife was in hospital. Since I started I just realized in my kawreer I have never not logged on at least since once since that day. Other things in my life I have missed at least once. Showering, eating, work(for sure) driving, just too name a few normal daily routines. But for the life of me I can't remember not logging on once in that time. Other than waking up kaw has been a constant in my life for that time. So that made me wonder is that sad of impressive?
We've all got the same habits bro and yes it's sad ️hopefully the devs kill this game off cause I can't quit
I don't understand how people can KaW, I mean I have a pretty good life but on here I have another 73 family members :/
It's both impressive and sad. You have made my day sad.... you might have not kaw when your travel in regions without cell signal. By the way , I'm the same way...... idk why I kaw so much. Tap tap tap
Logging in to kaw is such simple process. And one daily habit that we all have is using our phone. I dont think its al that surprising when you think about how its barely a task. You're just one tap of a button away from logging on.
I don't think it's either. People disgrace games and technology as some bad, devilish thing, but it really isn't. It's just entertainment. There's nothing wrong with entertaining yourself. Games like kaw aren't wrong. It isn't sad or impressive, it's just part of your day.
Lol for a midget you are pretty impressive my friend. Its a pleasure to b in the same clan with you
Impressive if u dream of Kaw, while sleeping Sad if Your Alts have social Life, while main Gets None hitting HTe 24x7....
4 years here too, can't remember not logging into at least one acct. every day. Monster from the pit, be it, I talk to my friends on here and let them know more about what I'm doing more than I do my own parents. INC.