IMPORTANT: No More Reset Bonuses

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, May 31, 2012.

  1. Before we go into further details about the change, next week we will be releasing achievement bonuses! Read below for information about the changes and why we are doing this.

    We will be making the following changes in regards to the reset bonuses in Kingdoms at War. Land complete reset bonuses used to be a reward for those who grinded out and land completed their Kingdom, then reset for the first 4 permanent items and additional 50 ally slots per reset.

    With the advent of gold volley transfers, the purpose of reset bonuses has been lost.  As a result, we are removing all reset bonuses and introducing achievement bonuses.  This allows players who don't want to reset to achieve the bonuses that others may have gotten already due to volley transfers, and adds more of a reward for progression.

    -The new cap for ally slots is 550, if you have more then this, we will deduct those ally slots and compensate you 1 nobility point per ally slot.
    -At some point in time we will also extend the buyable ally slot limit so that everyone is able to reach the maximum cap of 550 limit. We will do this at a later date.
    -For those of you that currently have more allies then the capped limit of 550, you will not be able to hire any allies until you are below the available ally slot limit.

    In short we will be removing the reset bonuses of permanent items and ally slots, as well as limiting the amount of actual ally slots possible. We do however recognize the hard work that players have put in in the past. To make it fair for everyone the following changes will be implemented that everyone can appreciate.

    This change will be done tomorrow and as a precautionary measure we have disabled resets until the change has been made. After we have reenabled resets there will be no more reset bonuses for Kingdoms at War, also that is when we will distribute points.


    -We are allowing players to keep the permanent items and they will not be available in epic battles.The items will no longer be available upon land completion reset. This may change in the future however it will always remain as permanent items.

    -We have paid out the nobility points for players who had more then 550 ally slots. Also the players that purchased ally slots that have over 550 ally slots will be refunded the cost of purchasing 100 allies.
  2. Wow kaw 4 threads in 2 day.
  3. I like the achievement bonuses but still, stupid update is stupid.
  4. Oh cool, so for the people that did spend the hard yards resetting back in the day? Yeah who cares... Spend more money to get crystals and get the items you already had back, furthermore promoting Ebs.

    There's no way they could have been incorporated into a drop system through system wars, oh no...

    And I get closer to quitting...
    :( As said, stupid update is stupid.
  5. congrats to Peeka then i guess.. 102 resets done, will result in 4800 nobs.
  6. Support
  7. Yet another useless update. Kaw has people with no brains for devs ( puting it nicely)
  8. So what happens if I already have some reset bonus items?
  9. Well, times are a-changin, and now my reset bonuses are pretty much for naught, because anybody can just do a stupid eb to get them :/
  10. Why are you all complaining and saying its useless when people have been waiting for achievement bonuses for the past year?
  11. So pretty much the week I spent resetting was for NOTHING!
  12. Also, they say it is easy to reset, then money transfer and easily LC again. While I definetly do agree with this, it has been said in the original post that the items will be available from EB drops...

    So is it now harder to hit the "repeat action" button rather than drop volleying billions to another account?

    -My point of view, I'm sure many support and many oppose, guess you can't please everyone... Though this update just seems strange.
  13. Good thing I Didt reset my accounts lol :p I knew something like this would happen! But congrats to those that reset of and over again to gain a LARGE amount of nobility points 
  14. So the fact that you're getting rid of volley transfers and now taking away resets from those who did them. That's not our fault people don't do resets. Those of us who opted for resets should still get what we did! That was a players choice to do or not to do. That's fine letting people buy their way up but those who did resets still deserve their bonuses! And what good is 200 nobility?? That doesn't even cover the time and energy it takes to do resets. Also again, I point out that you're KILLING the volley transfer process and so thereby resets would not be so easily accomplished again. There's no valid reason for you to remove the work of those that did their resets!!
  15. Thanks for taking away the work people have done and shoving it to the side with a big **** you to boot. You guys are ******* pathetic.
  16. And those guys who did grind it out? Be stripping away the items, or going to be allowing them to keep them? Not that it really makes much difference now, but i'd rather keep them than have them stripped and have to EB for something that was rightfully earned in the first place. Ally slots and so on... The guys who purchased the extra slots? Gone too? Great idea.
  17. And yes. That was pure sarcasm. ******* stupid idea.
  18. Well I would know a lot of people went and done hard work to get where they are today! I wouldt blame them as its a challenge to get to HLBC
  19. KaW_Admin FTW lol
  20. Wow just wow I feel for those who put the efforts into resets! Ok yes some did have volley transfers to work this but I know so many that didn't and did this the hard way... I'm not sure the compensation is good enough but I never reset so it doesn't effect me.