Imperial Plea - Permanent Feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. I would love to see Imperial Plea, or a variation based on it as a permanent feature to be able to buy in the marketplace.

    For those who PvP and OSW it offers a great alternative to buying seals at the same nobility rate. And with new lands and buildings out now what a perfect time to give those who prefer hitting other players rather than epic battles, an alternative to making gold

    Im sure you can all agree how exciting it was to have the plea cast and appear in WC too (OSW clans will understand that im sure)

    The great thing about the plea was whole clan benefited too, in the same way a whole clan benefits from a seal

    Give is PvP'ers this great alternative to Seals, you will make a lot of us very happy whilst addressing the slower growth issue for those in osw
  2. Support what a great idea.
  3. Full support 
  4. Crap Thread Alert

    Brought to you by:

    The All Mighty TRON All Hail
  5. Support

  6. Here's the Noob with those badass stats everyone so cares about Not!
  7. Full Support

  8. Let the muppet comment, keeps the thread active lol
  9. Support - though I'd like them to extend duration if this happened
  10. Total support 
  11. A mod suggesting improvements to the game is just a propaganda slave. In this case disguised as a boast of "I PvP, do you?" More than it is an actual thought out development plan for gaming variables. Java script...browser based platform...Nvm.

    More KotFE propaganda for the dimwitted masses.

    TRON 
  12. Post link on my wall clown  lol. Or sit down and cry
  13. All ways no stats Noob ass that have the big traps even more support 
  14. Nicely Put Vix 100% support.
    I find it extraordinary that in a game about Kingdoms warring each other that exact thing has become the least rewarding (in actual in game gold) aspect of the game. Apart from promos designed to benefit those who spend the most rl cash PvP is the worst way to make gold in the entire game. Devs we all know there are thousands of players who DO NOT WANT to hit other players, players who love to only hit eb's. So your income will still be protected thousands will still buy seals etc...but you have to start rewarding, in real in game gold, those who love PvP too. Its what everyone wants and WE ALL know it's a very very easy fix. Which means you are scared of implementing it in case you lose EB warriors who spend more rl cash to PvP warriors who probably don't. You aren't thinking of all the xstals PvP Warriors will buy to make lots of gold hitting others something that will be only accentuated during OSWS. Come on guys make it happen
  15. It would be a good addition to kaw.
  16. what he said
  17. Let me translate for the Kindergartener 

    All ways (always) someone saying (a) no stat Noob that have da big traps (?bear trap?) And ummm ,? More support for the tards please "dank you berry mush" 

    TRON 