ImmortalFaze - Racist Against Arabs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HaB__ARAB__Hab, Mar 23, 2015.

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  1. In the recent thread, concerning the Pledge of Allegiance being read in Arabic during foreign language week in NY, Immortalfaze commented,

    This is calling out Immortalfaze, I expect a serious thread apologizing for such racist behaviors, and an apology to the arab community of KaW.

    Unless you are amount the least educated, America is based on diversity, people from all over the world migrated to America to make it the land it is today. I am an Arab, I am also an American. And I can say for a fact, it's due to hillbillies like you that so many people hate America. And this hate is displaced, rather than hating America they should hate idiots like you.

    God knows every race/country/religion has idiots who with the lack of better words are the "HillBillies" of their race/country/religion. And you are one of them.

    As previously stated, apologize or face the consequence.

  2. Assn 3/3
    Stl 3/3

    You gonna make a thread about everyone who is disrespectfull?
  3. How about you, first, apologize for the radical Muslims at large for its blatant hatred and vicious murder of innocent Americans-all in the name of Islam.

    Then, perhaps we will have something to talk about. ️
  4. Hahaha, I already admitted that we have our idiots, however I would never claim that ALL Americans are murderers because of a couple of school shootings, mall shootings, killings, bombings. America is full of radicals aswell.

    Why don't you apologize for the insane?

    I won't apologize for the stupid radicals the Arab world contains, I am not among them.

    My statement is simple, don't hate a race because of some idiots, otherwise everyone should hate everyone.
  5. Respect dude.
  6. Thank you.
  7. First of all, Immortal had no rights to be racist against Arabs, your being too general. Be specific who you are against, eg. I hate Muslims people who twist the facts of their religion to kill innocent people(ISIS) , not all muslims are those kind of people.
    Secondly, Arab, you have no rights to call others idiots. You gonna be nice when you wants an apology.
  8. Couldn't agree with you more, ISIS are hated by the entire Arab world except for the cities they occupy. However for someone to say that try hate Arabic because Muslims speak that language is completely insulting and Idiotic. And as for my use of the word Idiot, I simply cannot think of a better word at this time. Perhaps ignorance, stupidity, villainy, etc, would fit aswell, however "idiot" comprises them all.
  9. Idiot is a very sensitive word, its rather a condition, so its better not to misuse it ;)
  10. Please apologize for the radical christens at large for its blatant hatred and vicious murder of innocent jews and African American in the name of Christianty.
  11. It is not wrong to say that a radical has a condition called being an Idiot. No matter what side they stand on. Radicalism is not the answer.

    My country is having a border war with ISIS right now, should the Lebanese borders fail, I will be among those who fight to protect our land. Our fallen soldiers, the captured soldiers who have been decapitated should be thanked that they were part of a force preventing these radicals from growing.

    I am a Muslim, and I say that with pride. However these radicals are not Muslims, they kill Muslims.

    Now for an individual to hate a language spoken by an entire race because of some radicals, that is insane. These radicals speak English as well, shall we hate English? They speak French, shall we hate French?

    Ignorance breeds ignorance, an apology will suffice for the villainy that is racism.
  12. Not everyone.
  13. Some of your best work dev
  14. Preach 
  15. wasn't the bible written by a insane person? :lol: :eek:
  16. Op p:13

    America is a mixing pot. You're right. America has its freedoms. You know what one of those freedoms is? Freedom of speech. Who are you to persecute him and punish him because he expressed his opinion on a matter? Isn't you doing that just as bad as what he did?

    Regardless of the context of what he said, it doesn't excuse your actions towards him. We can go into the whole debate if you want, but the point simply is, if you're a "good Muslim" (using a similar expression as a good catholic) then you find jihad, and Muslim extremism acceptable.

    Here are some of the grisly passages from the Koran: "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood." Koran 9:123 "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Koran 9:5 "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85 "The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them."... Koran 9:30 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19 "The unbelievers are silly urge the Muslims to fight them." Koran 8:65 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Koran 8:12 "Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Koran 8:60

    It's not the same as in the Old Testament in the Bible where they talk about stonings and actions such as that, those were published in the Old Testament not the revised New Testament.

    For all you know, Faze lost his parents in 9/11. Hell if I lost my parents in 9/11 because of Muslim extremists, I'd be kinda mad too. Not saying he did, but you get the point.

    Another of Americas freedoms is the right to worship without persecution. Guess what thought? If you're maiming and killing the infidels in the name of Allah, then you're going to be persecuted.
  17. In 2012 50% of the people arrested in New York were black
  18. While I agree in general with op, I found the use of a stereotypical slur a bit odd for a thread written to condemn racial stereotyping.
  19. Bloodily Americans  complain about everything and make a scene
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