Immortal Dragons Vs. The United Noob Empire

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TH0R, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. This thread has been posted so that The NOOB empire can have there chance to speak there mind in public. Instead of talking a bunch of crap in PM and then telling everyone that attacks them that they never said what they said.

    First off the reason this war started is because one of our founders had some of his accounts parked at there clan to help them in ESTOIC Wars and then he went inactive for a few months . When he got back he pulled his alts to come home. But apparently he needed permission from the noob empire to do this. So they attacked him and of course he said a lot of hurtful things on there walls.

    Then I step in as an admin to try to find our what was going on and what it would take for there clan to stop attacking this person. They wanted an apology for things said, I'm thinking that's fair enough. So I go to speak with the guilty party and before I have even had a chance to do anything There clan begins to attack our members.

    I can't believe I'm trying to help solve the issue and you open fire on me and my people when Im attempting to get you your apology and end the conflict.

    The reason they attacked our members was because they couldn't get anything out of the guy that they were farming. And they saw a lot of easy targets just sitting there not ready for a war an exploited them. They never cared about the apology, they were just being bullies. I even told them that it was stupid to start an OsW because of one person but they demanded I kick him from my clan or they would continue torturing our members.

    The United Noor empire never cared about an apology, they just needed a reason to try and farm a smaller clan.

    Well guess what? We aren't gonna lay down as you expected when you messaged me and said "why aren't you running EBs? Aren't you board of this war yet?? Whaa waaa waaa!" Then they cried because I told our allies what was going on, which I warned them that I would. Then they cry "why are you getting other people involved? We aren't the bullies, you are! Stop getting your friends to help you beat us up !"

    WE ARE A WAR CLAN! It says so right on our page. You just didn't realize that we are better at it than you are. I would tell you what you are doing wrong but then I wouldn't have any fun beating your members to dust!

    What Sour did was uncool, and I tried to get you your apology but you never gave me a chance. You attacked our members when I was attempting to Parley with you under a flag of truce. I'm fighting for the members you attacked without cause. You wanted a war and now you got one. And if you are unsure who is right and who is wrong well don't worry because War always tells the truth. The Clan that gives up first is wrong.
  2. and to all of our allies that are helping us, I Just want to say thanks. We fight for Truth, And Honor and Friendship. And we don't lay down when a bully pushes us down. We get up and we ban together and we fight for eachother. And we will keep fighting because the GOOD GUYS never give up!
  3. They did in Vietnam.
  4. Hahaha good luck in try take them, if you bring in alliance I am sure I get pm from Flyerhockey

    Fight your fights alone and prove your self to be an war clan as you say!

  5. We lost that one in my opinion. Visit the memorial in Washington and you'll know what I'm talking about
  6. Thx for the post twicc, but we watch our friends backs and they do the same for us. Why have allies if you can never count on them to back you up? Besides bullies will keep being bullies until you hold your ground and kick them in the privates. Then they leave you alone
  7. No respect to immortal dragons for calling in allies, shows you can't handle your own business.
  8. Good luck dragon clan. Hope you are free rest of the year. Lol.

    You dun know history of kaw if you call them "noob" empire. UNE was in big osw before your clan even exist liao.

    They may be small but they never quit or ask for cf. Hope you guys know what your doing 

    7 DS
  9. TNE are pretty tough *insert expletive*...
  10. Noor hasn't been in any Estoc wars as a clan. Sourpuss came and parked here, then went inactive. When he left he smart mouthed and that is who Immortal Dragons are fighting for. An ungrateful punk.

    Th0r, you welcomed someone who insulted our clan, and then you acted like a tough guy when you were approached about it. So far you have sent one person to strip my ally in a fail strip, and sent two people to plead your case, because I told you I was tired of your cry sacking. I asked you for an apology from sour and instead you cried how flyer was mean to you. Frankly you made me wanna be mean to you too, with your cowardly ways and bragging about your big friends. Grow a set. I told you to bring it on, and you haven't delivered. All you have done is given a sad little death threat in pal to one of my members, and pinned on small members of my clan.

    You act like you fight for honor, when in truth you are fighting for sourpuss, who's not even showing solidarity with your clan and barely fighting, he's too busy wall arting and running his mouth. You barely hit and act like you are leading the charge. You got no game, Th0r.

    As for your banner, when someone tries to kill a mosquito with a sledgehammer it doesn't work very well. And your title, battles never lie? Well if that's the case, you are a loser. Might wanna think that through. I feel sorry for your clan, due to your silliness they got drawn into sour's issue, and they are loyal to you despite the fact you are letting your pride lead them into a war they won't win.
  11. Oh Gosh TNE......
    Good Luck. What Twicc said is correct.
    Be prepared to keep one year of your time aside.
  12. I Morgana I told you that I never agreed with what Sour said to your people. I was attempting to get an apology for your clan when Flyer started attacking me and my members for no reason.
    I am fighting for the members of my clan that were attacked by your cowardly member because he couldn't land a hit on his real target. As far as your members being pinned, that's your problem. I'll attack anyone that pays off. And I don't mind fighting a year against a bunch of bullies that pick fights with smaller clans because they think that everyone they meet should be immediately scared of them.

    You are so full of yourself you can't even see that I was trying to help you until you started attacking my smaller members. You are cowards and Bullies. I'll fight forever if I have to just to prove it to everyone that has ever met you.
  13. Sounds like UNE is in an off system pwar
  14. Une is whinners I went to two clans while trying to get arm plates Was still hitting them They whine to new clan to have me kicked instead of hitting back One even posted on my wall why you hitting me so much I said we are in war Wait for the hit back still ain't come And the others that do hit only getting a mill or two but turn around and give me ten right back Oh ya other thing is while at other clan they requested I stop hitting them
  15. @War

    Your stats suggest you are so below them they won't even waste spies to scout you. Get over it.
  16. There is no winner in war.
  17. Then they ask for me to surrender and apologize Which I will not do I was in no wrong to apologize plus I'm getting more plunder out them then they are me You guys have no honor request a cf and don't honor it
  18. Good luck you guys Will need it... "noob" empire Will take all you guys:)