-IMF- vs Harbinger_of_wrath (are they any different?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gimme_seals, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. All that encountered Harbinger know that all that has been said is true: the man is a selfconceited turd. There is no argument there. But is -IMF- so much different? He acts exactly the same way, thinking he is some kind of kaw god, better than anyone in the game. Turning his back on his friends when he can't use them anymore (ask Donja...). Showing no respect whatsoever for people that have a tough time in life (read the wall of F-U-R-Y).

    So Apo freed KaW of one tiran, but gave us the next tiran on a silver plate. Great leaders show great deeds. All that know -IMF- well enough will know he will fail exactly at that.

    I pity those who are under his influence....
  2. Inb4 roni says Harb = imf
  3. I'll just leave this here and be on my way...

    Where did -IMF- hurt you?
  4. I eat statless alts for brunch.
  5. I can't say or speculate because I don't know IMF, I would gamble that many don't and just enjoy propaganda. I think an alliance as huge and strong as apoc though could do well to occasionally act a little less full of themselves. Strength and fear alone don't make you great, patience and understanding goes equally as far based on circumstances. Anyways that's my 2 cents. Happy kawing
  6. that's way too classy for a statless alt
  7. Yeah they are different. Imf ran and requested cf's in the past, like when Yafi stripped him. Harb got stripped but I think it actually made him even more active and wanting to osw lol

  8. Nuff said
  9. What on earth is a tiran?
  10. Statless alt. Hmm.
  11. Quoting the op to reply with 3 words. Nooob
  12. Maybe the OSW trash talk can take a seat for one day for that type of circumstance? Lol geez, some of you take this game way too seriously...
  13. dont know harb..never had the pleasure..however i have had on occasion been able to get build advice and chat with -imf- even when i was a 500k gh he responded to friend request and answered my questions even though i wasnt his ally or in his alliance..im not disputing anything anyone has to say about him just stating what i personally know of him and that he is a pretty good guy..at least in my experience
  14. Lol ... Another pointless thread from a stat less alt..

    Next time post with main. It still won't matter,
    But it would at least show u might have a pair. 
  15. IMF owned me a couple of times in the past, in AC he seemed like a very reasonable man. But yeah who am I to decide what he is and isn't.
  16. I'm back, and I suppose I can point out a difference.

    -IMF- has allies
  17. idk OP, IMF seems alright
  18. Support
  19. I have come to believe that the statless alt making the thread is advertise hotels.

    Researching "tiran" gives these results: