I'm srry for hitting iii-i-ii-i-spy-i-ii-i-iii

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RRImmortalthundersnakelightnin, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Err I'm sorry for hitting him) err ima maybe princess who can't take a hit  and err yea give him glory
  2. Threads just keep getting more and more horrible...
  3. i actually really like this one. :lol:
  4. I enjoy these threads the tears and whining are excellent to read
  5. Me too . I like this thread :p
  6. this is the result of 9 hits. no joke :|
  7. all glory to i-spy!

  8. 9Hits and you got an apology thread lol
  9. call me spy. i-spy was my father's name :lol:
  10. Wish I could get apology thread that easily
  11. Honda laughs now but I remember a much better apology thread[​IMG]
  12. ^ Thats grade a comedy and after close to a thousand hits though not 9 hits lvl lol

    Also i had a decent and respectful apology thread that comment was attached too.
  13. lol i had another guy apologize after 2000 hits too :lol: i just got lucky on this eb noob
  14. he agrees with me lol
  15. Whats with the ""? Are u saying u want more?
  16. *Grabs popcorn to watch spy work*