I'm sorry baby guy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxsuperliamXx, May 10, 2012.

  1. I'm saying this for my owner I'm sorry for what ever he did
  2. No. You dont seem sorry.
  3. Lol . This shouldn't be in forums .
  4. Don't seem sry he sed sry maybe u should leave it just a game?
  5. 

    ..... And Baby, it's just a game.
  6. What are you sorry for?
  7. More effort next time
  8. All you fail, lowlife trolls that dont understand life and are saying "it's just a game" and then calling me their baby: It's for the shits and giggles. Go cry in a corner. :roll:
  9. Ur a big fail with ur silly name baby
  10. I think baby wants you to get on your knees.

  11. Dark mercy you have a big mouth .But have weak stats so watch your mouth especially if you don't know the person ......
  12. Lol I think I will say wat I like but good input haha