I'm New

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Jenna_the_spy (01), Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Hi i'm newish and don't know how to play. I don't have any speakers so I can't put this in wc. Please wall me to help me with the game. :D
  2. Read this for info. Wall me if you have any specific questions :)

    Good luck and Happy KaWing!
  3. Ninja shut up
  4. Hey, hey ninja. GTFO.
    That is all.
  5. Im smaller^
  6. Just use the thread bob have the link for. Very useful. If you need anything else follow me.  Happy kawing.
  7. Monkeyninja? You mean mokeydumbass?

    STFU and GTFO of the forums
  8. Thought those were censored??

    Why they not censored
  9. *monkeydumb ass*
  10. I'm new too.
  11. Another new person like me yay!
  12. Thanks for all the help.