I'm making a thread to tell you this:

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Alright, no stalling, no beating around the bush or any of that other fun stuff.

    I'll just admit it. I was pissed. I was angry, so I walked away. I tried to end everything, but I might have started something worse.

    So I'm sorry. It was thoughtless and inconsiderate to leave Fan Fiction. I honestly had no idea that I would make that much of an impact. I just needed to cool down before things got out of hand. But because of me, Fan Fiction might fail. Because of my thoughtless, careless mistake. So I'm offering you a proposition.

    I'll stay. I can't promise I'll always be cheery and helpful and crap. I can't promise I won't snap again, or that I'll get along with everyone, or that I'll be on every single day. Because, hell, I'm human. And so are all of you. So are all of us! But I'll stay, if you'll have me.

    But only if you agree to my deal. No more petty fights. No more stupid, pointless, idiotic arguments. No more 'governments,' of Fan Fiction. No more hierarchies. I'll stay only if Fan Fiction returns to it's former glory as a community.

    I'll stay if you -yes, you- help me make these changes happen. Help me and help others. Post on their feedback threads. Use encouraging words, constructive criticism. Say hi in the Café, ask others how their writing is going. Be a friend.
    Please. No one can move a mountain on their own.

    Once again, I am so, so, painfully sorry. My leaving was selfish. I had it in my mind that it would help, not hurt. It barely even helped me. I didn't know I would set the dominoes off. I didn't know I could influence others...I'm sorry. I just...I was literally shaking that night because I was so angry. So I left. I'm sorry...I didn't know.

    I don't deserve your approval, but I'm asking for it anyway. We have to work to erase this horrid stain on the fragile fabric of Fan Fiction. And if you'll have me, I will help.

    Thank you for your time,

  2. :cry:
    This is so... so... Beautiful.

    Feather, please ask for your "Dysfunction" thread to be locked and graveyarded, so that we can forget about this entire ordeal.

    G'night all now.
  3. Hulk approved
  4. Apology accepted, even tho i dont really think u did anything wrong, kinda had an excuse to do it, but whatevr
  5. This entire fight is ********.
  6. It's good you're back Irin :)

    I'm gonna be a lot happier now that's she's back. I'll also be a lot happier and not leave now that I'm on the year book staff!
  8. Irin you sound EXACTLY how you portray your character in innocence/broken, and you did nothing wrone as far as i can tell. You did it in everyones best intrests. And anyway, its good to know that 'you are human' cause u were so perfect it was hard to tell:p ill do as much as i can to help you move this mountain off of our community of fanfic and join as much as i can. The cafe is the hard part though as words come very unnaturally to me so.. Yea.. 'hi' i can do but thats pretty much all..
  9. Wow...beautiful!!!
  10. Although I still don't get the whole fight I totally agree with orda skirit
  11. I also agree with webs as i dont get the fight completely. And YAY! reinforcements!
  12. thumbs up 4 confusion btw how many people here know me (I've been on ff 4 over a year but I lurk more then talk)
  13. How kind of?