I'm in need of advice...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Jackelj (02), Nov 11, 2012.

  1. I'm at 1mil spy stats, and 150k attack, what EB's should I be hitting?
  2. Should be hitting BL.
  3. Haunting if your looking for money, but you cant unload your troops... If you want to be ale to unload troops and spies do ambush
  4. You're ridiculous tracker. That's not a epic battle.

    Ambush should be right.
  5. Haunting, use 7.5mil attack pot. You lose 1 in 10 attacks or so, but its WAY more efficient than the 12mil, and the 2.5 mil isn't good enough.
  6. Jam, Battle List can be made epic if you try hard enough ;)
  7. I'm ridiculous for telling someone to hit the battle list?
  8. Love your point of view lifelesz
  9. Re: I'm in need of advice....

    You can do haunt with your spies but not attack unless you use pot :)
  10. You're ridiculous for not answering the question. You seem to be in the group that thinks if you don't do everything the 'old way' you shouldn't play KaW.
  11. Thx TNT i try :p
  12. No I would just rather see BL being hit. It makes the game alot funnier especially when you start getting tears on your wall.
  13. Okay, but that wasn't the question...
  14. But that was my answer. Looking at OP's w/l record, BL probably isn't used much.
  15. Lol farmer that's the best way to have fun..
  16. Uhhhhhh. I guess you can't comprehend it. I'll try to make it easier. By using an example:

    Op asks a question like "What color sweat shirt should I get?"
    And you answer "Pants"

    Yes they both have color and are clothing.. But it doesnt answer the question.

    Might be a bad example, but it's how I'm seeing it.
  17. I follow what u r saying
  18. You can do The Destroyer without pots. And if you join a clan doing Fast B2B The Destroyer, your payout is equivalent to The Haunting.
    Plus destroyer has item as well.

    For worse, do the others. B2B
    - Origins (item available) payout equivalent to Haunting if done right.
    - Ambush (no items)
    - The Reckoning (item available)
    - No Man's Land (item available)

    Battle List. You can... Just be prepared to apologise n move on. Or get farmed.

    Ask older players for irresistible InActive Clans. Many in KaW fastest way to grow.
  19. He's a small hansel. I'd say ambush is best.