I'm HFBC and I'm butthurt about the spyglass.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by II__flipping_ZERO_burgers__II, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Note to trolls etc - I've already said I'm butthurt in the title so posting it just makes you look idiotic.

    One month ago ATA ran a very nice promo in which clanmates opened xmas stockings for each other for plunder bonuses. Thanks to the odd 500% and 1000% I was finally able to save enough gold for my last three HF lands at a cost of 2,525B.

    I was feeling very smug about finally getting this achievement and planning what to do next with my build when, lo and behold, devs announce new lands and a promo to go with it, along with this great new item the frontier spyglass. 'Explore lands for free!' oh how fantastic!. But wait, you can only use these wonderful items on the next land you explore.

    The first 3 abyss lands cost a total of 180B. Meaning that I have lost out on saving 2,345B. In fact, the only players getting any benefit from the spyglasses are those with between 60 and 74 lands. Why create a reward that benefits such a narrow range of your player base?

    I hope that in the future you can do something to prevent this whole debacle; a system similar to building tokens where we get to CHOOSE when we use the item would have sufficed.

    Edit: TL;DR
    Player gap has in fact been widened in most cases. Only benefactors from spyglass are those near hlbc or hfbc.
  2. You did save 180b.Devs could have not given free lands at all.
  3. My point is that the reward is completely unequal. Some players have essentially been given trillions of gold whilst others have got a few tens of billions. And there's was nothing we could do about it regardless of how well we did in the promo
  4. I understand your point,but some just have better luck with their timing than others.The only reason I can see the new lands is because of my spy glass lol
  5. Support

    Why not just make first two new lands free? It seems it was done in an attempt to partially bridge a gap between those who have so far yet to go with their builds.
    However, its a real slap in the face to those who worked hard and long term to complete their builds. Showing that devs do not reward those loyal, long term or big spending players.
    Going to need to rescue this one with more than a free xtal.
  6. Classic non planner n no sympathy here
    U wanted the holy grail of HFBC n got it.
    Say no more

  7. How bout if you could sell your lands and then buy em back using your tokens so you make a little free gold?? That way we won't have to see another thread of a BC player moaning about the fact that they dont get as much as other people who are still chasing BC and may never reach it :-(
  8. As hfbc I got few first lands opened for free - thanks ATA I saved close to 200b
  9. How do I plan for something unreleased that I don't even know about?
  10. Support
  11. Hey, i didnt get 1000% plunderspell... Its not fair that u did. ;-)
  12. Also factor in your plunder spells that u got and the gold that granted you, im sure in that respect you got more than most players plus u get 3 free lands in the abyss.

  13. Ggggggaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

    I support you for sharing your sexuality with us :)
  15. Not narrow range of player base Lol the people it doesn't help are all the HFBC players helps the rest of us who have lands exceeding cost of 45b
  16. What are you complaning about I used mine in the high lands get over it it was free
  17. It's free dumb ass what are you crying about this in forum. Oh it's king, no surprised a butthurt cry baby. You cry ️EE not fair now you cry get free land