I'm finally a LB player!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TankedTheMlLICIOUSMurderer, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Hope you find your charger soon
  2. Nice eventhough it doesn't get you to the ASW but congrats anyways!!!
  3. Lol found it.
  4. Lol broken sword noob somehow makes lb... Guess getting carried by others in wars must really pay off now a days.
  5. Lol it's the allies leaderboard, not overall
  6. Ah okay makes so much more sense now
  7. @_____P_E_S_T_I_L_E_N_C_E_____
    Many lols
  8. LB has absolutely zero to do with ee wars noob, seriously you ee heroes need to do some research
  9. The ee heros are the coolest.. Playing real Kaw and what not..
  10. Lol, what's funny is somehow you think I made a correlation. I said "somehow" meaning that some other way he attained lb. this was achieved obviously by either being bought or buying allies.

    The only skill you need to learn is how to read.
  11. I'm a statless with a higher position :/
  13. [​IMG]

    Looks like I'm in the ASW.
  14. Nice